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Posts posted by Sunshine

  1. 5 hours ago, IB20 said:

    Huge amount of activity today. Prominences on both limbs, a huge arched prom jettisoning off huge amount of material into space. Counted 7 sun spots, some with brigh plage surrounds and a giant u shaped filament. Amazing, hopefully going to be a great summer’s observing. 

    Right! I was out with darling Lunt about same time you posted this, huge proms, again.

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  2. Well, it was cloudy but not a bust, the clouds were thin enough to see the moon slowly block the sun to the amazement of the crowd I was a part of on the country property of a local mocro brewery where they served a  signature eclipse brew and bbq!. Unfortunately ot was not the show I wished for, the stars being visible and the solar corona was not visible but when totality hit it was amazing, a darkness akin to midnight with twilight visible for 360 degrees around the horizon. Birds fluttered around in circles and the nearby farm animals went silent, it was eerie. The whole experience was well worth the drive to the path of totality even though it was not the full total eclipse experience I had wished for, it was memorable indeed. Below is an image of just how dark it became at 3:22pm, it was awe inspiring, just listening to the crowds amazement and cheers was wonderful.



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  3. It’s been a long time coming, in 2017 I volunteered my time and H-alpha scope at the Ontario Science Centre where ten thousand gathered for a partial eclipse.  It was stifling hot, and the crowds waiting to look through the few volunteers scopes from the RASC (myself included) were shoulder to shoulder. Nevertheless the experience was something new, I recall looking online right after for the next time a North American eclipse of any type, to my amazement it was 2024, a mere seven year wait and it would be a total eclipse!. Even more amazing was the path of totality would pass just an hour or two drive drive away, I recall thinking so much could happen in seven years but here I am, a bit beside myself when I think of how fast these seven years have passed.

    This monday morning I will wake with the excitement and anticipation of a child on Christmas morning, my wife has no interest in astronomy but the hype generated in the media and the massive crowds expected in nearby cities like Niagara Falls Ontario where they expect a million visitors has caught her up in the whirlwind. Cross fingers the weather cooperates, so far the forecast calls for mostly sunshine with intermittent clouds, but all it takes is one to spoil the show. Regardless of what happens, I will make the best of it and I fully understand that we are at the mercy of the weather. 

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