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Posts posted by Sunshine

  1. Welcome! Not sure if you’re joking about the eight scopes or SGL members contributing to it but either way we are all responsible for each others empty pants….pockets! pockets here on SGL.

  2. 4 hours ago, DirkSteele said:

    Last night was the BSIA star party in Regent’s Park. One attendee lent me his NV device which was a lot of fun but I did some transitional observing too! Took my APM LZOS 115 f/7. 

    Here with the NV device.


    And with the Televue 24mm Panoptic. Likely pointing at NGC 457 or the Double Cluster when I snapped the pic.


    Beautiful telescope! I have always had an attraction to LZOS telescopes. What is the FL on the 115? I’m guessing around 800.

  3. Welcome to SGL! Though I cannot be of help regarding imaging, I can say that we host a vast imaging section where you will find threads on the subject for days on end.

  4. Nice topic, I was looking for a place to share my love for astronomy, when I signed up for SGL I was afraid It would be a fad from which I would slowly withdraw from as I am a huge procrastinator and seldomly finish what I start lol. But once I was in I felt welcomed and engaged, you all were interested in what I had to say and It gave me a feeling of family. It was impossible to forget or become lazy about participating.

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  5. 5 hours ago, IB20 said:

    Huge amount of activity today. Prominences on both limbs, a huge arched prom jettisoning off huge amount of material into space. Counted 7 sun spots, some with brigh plage surrounds and a giant u shaped filament. Amazing, hopefully going to be a great summer’s observing. 

    Right! I was out with darling Lunt about same time you posted this, huge proms, again.

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