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Everything posted by geeklee

  1. Must be a good feeling when you find that sharp frame amongst the others ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜ Previously I would use a manual mount to capture the video sequences but had to use careful framing as I would always lose X% to it moving across view during capture (with a smaller sensor camera) - so appreciate the extra effort going into focusing and capturing here.
  2. Amazing clarity for a single frame - great focus and seeing? My lunar images that look sharp(ish) always need lots of frames and deconvolution! The detail on the full disc shot from terminator in about 1/5 is lovely - some great stuff to spend time on from top to bottom.
  3. Thanks for the report Ivo and really enjoyed the image as well! I'm still waiting for some clear skies to test my 533 out (a step from DSLR for myself). I don't yet have a duo-band filter, but (excuse my lack of knowledge on this) is the image coloured like that coming off the camera? What a difference before and after moon had set; as a beginner it was great to see those initial frames on Astrobin too. (Thanks also for adding the updated driver and SDK so quickly to Apt for the 533)
  4. Just echoing the comments above, but that's a great image. The overall colours of the image + detail and contrast within all the structure is excellent!
  5. I just wanted to add some closure to this thread for any prospective ASI533 users out there. After some back and forth with ZWO support, I replaced the ASI camera DLL file in SharpCap and Apt with the latest version from ZWO SDK (for developers). This did appear to "fix" the issues described but felt like a bit of a hack! Knowing the above outcome at least showed that the application developers just need some time to catch up with the latest native drivers and SDK in their apps. Coincidentally, Apt released 3.82 yesterday with specific support for the ASI 533 mentioned. After installing this version, I could see the latest DLL file was present in the Apt folder and the native driver transferred the images from the camera fine. I'm sure SharpCap will follow suit soon enough.
  6. I have the AZ-EQ6 GT Pro mount (so not the same) but it made this noise as well. While doing some routine checks of firmware, software etc, I noticed Skywatcher had a selection of updated versions for these two mounts with the built in USB port. After updating to the latest (3.07) it no longer makes this noise, but alas the motors now sound a little different so that has me thinking on the flip side of "if it ain't broke...". I wondered if the noise was the motors not slowing in a measured way and the gears catching quickly at the end, but pure speculation with no knowledge ๐Ÿ˜ The latest firmware is here - http://skywatcher.com/download/software/motor-control-firmware/ There's the firmware loader and the firmware itself - being careful to select the correct one for your mount (and whether it has the built in USB port). I didn't find the loader particularly clear for two reaons (1) The PDF instructions are geared to Serial connection. When using the USB, it's not obvious but unchecking the box about using the hand controllers PC direct mode resulted in a very fast transfer & update over USB - assuming you're using USB ๐Ÿ™‚. and (2) the version numbers are odd matched. First, click "MC Version" to confirm the program can talk to your controller and you'll see what I mean - you can then match them up to the release notes. Mine came with "3.03" but querying the controller showed something like X.Y.3 (I think) i believe you're able to load older firmware if you don't like the new one for any reason.
  7. Thanks @Allinthehead for the prompt reply. As part of the troubleshooting, I tried all the elements you mentioned - early on, just removing the guidecam. The strange thing is usually you might find the occasional dropped frame or inconsistent behaviour but this is just a flat 100% drop of every frame using the native ZWO driver in SharpCap and Apt. Using the ASCOM driver, everything appears OK - had the guidecam in SharpCap and ASI533 in Apt and vice versa no problem doing testing. For now, I'll continue to assume hardware is OK and utilise the ASCOM driver, with some proper testing... if the cloud ever gives way ๐Ÿคจ
  8. Hi all - I've just received the new ASI533MC Pro and was getting acquainted with it yesterday evening while the cloud was in. This included the usual driver install (native and ASCOM), connectivity, USB2 hub to guide camera, cooler and functionality. I have an issue where the native driver is causing problems in SharpCap and Apt, but appears to be working fine in ASICAP (assuming it uses the native drivers). SharpCap and Apt just drop all frames - SharpCap telling me along the bottom, Apt just never completing an exposure and showing "busy". Using the ASCOM driver in SharpCap and Apt appear to be working fine - basic test dark exposures happen and save in a few moments to disk. I've run through almost all the troubleshooting options I would normally associate with dropped frames - esp around USB, but as the ASCOM driver is OK and ASICAP (again, assuming it uses the native driver) can push max frames per second on USB3 when testing millisecond type exposures (seen along bottom in app) it's making me think it's likely a application / native driver compatibility. I'm guessing the way SharpCap and Apt interact with the native ZWO driver is maybe the issue with this new camera as the Apt forum does have a mention of a new minor version (3.82) coming very soon around ZWO drivers. I just wanted to put the feelers out for anyone out there that has also received the camera and whether they're all good in these applications with the native ZWO driver or seeing similar issues? I'm also making sure I don't have a camera hardware problem (it doesn't sound like it from evidence above though). Thanks in advance.
  9. Having taken the journey mentioned above a couple of years ago, I definitely wouldn't go back and change it. Looking back at that initial FLO order, the key items were - Skyliner 200P Dob, Turn Left at Orion and a Cheshire collimating eyepiece. These items were based on existing advice throughout SGL that intimated at this being a great first step. It was more than that - the things I saw through the 200P in my first year (and beyond) were amazing and it really got be me into the star hopping and associated pattern matching to find targets. I now have a good number of sky atlas as well, but compliment these with something like Sky Safari too. The cherry on top was a RACI finder (and Rigel quick finder) which just made everything that bit more comfortable too. While I've added additional equipment since (including just recently a GOTO mount) I can't see a reason why I would ever sell the 200P. Each person is different and learning the sky can also come with a GOTO depending on your approach.
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