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Status Updates posted by Woolnut

  1. Looking for some recommendations on a camera under £200? If possible an all rounder!

  2. Just passed the CompTIA Network+ :D : D 

  3. Am i going mad or has the Forum had a subtle lick of paint? ;)


    1. Pig


      Yes he is a link ?


    2. Pig


      Yes..... here is a link to the page explaining the changes ?


  4. For some reason finding time to get out and take a look at the sky has got harder... :( 

  5. Back home after two weeks away in the Dominican :(

  6. Looking forward to using GoTo for the first time soon.. should be fun! :p

    1. Pig


      Be patient your first time as it can be a little frustrating if it doesn't work right, most issues with goto systems are down to user error ? Either way I am sure you will enjoy yourself...... welcome to the easy life.

    2. Knighty2112


      Enjoy the goto. It certainly made my astronomy leaps and bounds better in what I could actually see with using it. Some notable highlights have been Uranus, Neptune and Vesta to name but a very small smattering. Sure, you can see these things without goto, but it certainly makes it a lot quicker and painless to observe them with! :) 

  7. Just purchased an EQ3 Pro GoTo Mount... Should be a nice upgrade :D Now just need to sell the EQ3-2 Manual I have... 

  8. Has anyone ever had any trouble getting contact with Tring Astro via Email? Sent them a mail on Friday and haven't heard anything yet...

    1. Racey


      Yes. Regularly. And phones often just ring and ring. It's just a case of persevering and trying again and again. Or, dare I say it, going elsewhere as we now do...

      They are a lovely couple. But the place is desperately understaffed and busy. they run the place pretty much on their own, with part time help from a young lady. It's a shame. But not uncommon for them to be swamped for days...

    2. Woolnut


      That's a shame, i want to build up a decent relationship with them as they are only a 40 odd minute drive from me and seem to have a decent selection of kit on their website! FLO are a little too far for me to simply pop in! 

      Thankfully i am not in too much of a rush as i am away for 2 weeks in 9 days... But would be good to get an answer before i go :p If push comes to shove i will look elsewhere i guess...

    3. DirkSteele


      Also if they have gone travelling for the weekend, that might explain the delay.  They have always got back to me so I am sure they will answer shortly.

  9. Need to get back outside soon... Been over a month since i have taken a look through the 'scope!

  10. Getting ready for tonight... 'scope is in the garden :D 

  11. Really want to get into imaging soon however my bank balance doesn't think i should go for it just yet... :( 

  12. Checked the weather yesterday... Had a window for viewing today... Check the weather today... Window has been closed :cussing:


  13. Someone needs to invent a device that is able to suck up the clouds... Preferably hand held but would settle for mounted on the roof :D 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JohnSadlerAstro


      I think its just a trick. :p 

      I am in great respect of FLO, but I think that perhaps this is a bit.........fanciful?



      Saw this cloud gun on there the other day too! Thought it was hilarious XD 

    4. Woolnut


      Wish it was a real thing though, as long as there is a way to direct the water to the next door neighbors garden :D!

  14. Need to get back outside soon... 'scope is gathering a little dust! :D 

  15. Shame that the weather in Essex is so horrible, really would like to get out at some point soon and take a look in the sky :p 

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