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Pete Presland

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Posts posted by Pete Presland

  1. These are a couple of images from a few years back, of the same active area when activity was plentiful.

    White light on the left, H/A on the right.  Much more detailed than you will see through the eyepiece though.


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  2. We have LED lights fitted down our road recently, it certainly seems to have helped a little. The town in general is abysmal. The amount of businesses that light their premises up all night with dozens of lights, its seems crazy purely on a financial level.   

  3. I also use a zoom eyepiece, certainly very convenient to carry around. When i first bought my old PST, i did try a few different eyepieces and could not see much difference in what was visible through many of them.

    It is very quite at the moment, even in H/A unfortunately.

    I do love to see a large Sunspot in white light though. So as soon as the activity picks up it will be well worth getting a filter to view them. When the seeing is particularly good its so interesting to see the fine detail in the Umbra and Penumbra. 

  4. Using Firecapture allows the user to take a flat before the imaging run and apply it as the data is captured.

    The method is very simple, especially for the mosaics i do. I defocus, set the histogram to 50-70%, capture flat field. When you capture your data the flat is automatically applied. You have do a new flat whenever the imaging train is altered.

  5. 8 hours ago, astroavani said:

    I find it impossible due to the low altitude of Uranus here for me, it is already difficult in excellent condition friend Pete!

    I didn't realise it was so low for you, Jupiter and Saturn have been the same for us in the UK.

    • Thanks 1
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