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Pete Presland

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Posts posted by Pete Presland

  1. Not a fan myself, but that's only because I like being freezing cold at night and tired the next morning 😀 On a personal level being outside looking up at the stars is a huge part of astronomy for me, probably why a stopped imaging DSO's, I just felt I was looking down more than up! 🤩

    Seriously though, do what you enjoy! As DP said as long you are honest about what you are presenting I don't see why anyone would have a problem. Damien peach's planetary images of late are a collaboration with the  http://www.chilescope.com/  team.

    You will find many of his planetary images in their gallery. There is also a "remote (robotic) capture" category in the Insight astrophotographer of the year competition as well. 

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  2. The image certainly benefited from an RGB balance in Registax 6, i also tried an RGB align, which was less successful. Then i applied a very light wavelet sharpen. I guessed you had probably already sharpened the image.  

    Not sure i have improved it much to be honest.

    Saturn is tough at the moment, with its position in the sky. An ADC really is going to help a lot with its current position.

    A couple of questions. How frames did you capture and stack?  Also if you save as PNG files you can post the actual images, rather than members having to down load them they can view them in the post. You may get more response.


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