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Pete Presland

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Posts posted by Pete Presland

  1. The 7mm eyepiece is really giving too much magnification approx 335X, for most nights seeing conditions.  

    I agree that a quality diagonal will improve the viewing experience, it enables you to position the eyepiece where you want it especially on objects that are high in the sky.

    Televue plossl eyepieces are a rock solid investment. They are regularly available on the 2nd market, usually in good condition and if you resell they tend to hold thier value if looked after.

    As for imaging, is Planetary imaging you are thinking about? 

  2. On 09/12/2019 at 19:54, Davey-T said:

    Too low here now, what happened to the minimum ending in 2019 ?


    should start to pick up a little sometime next year I would think. A very dep minimum so far, 76% spotless this year 

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