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Everything posted by Adreneline

  1. Hi, Very nice image - I really like it. You don't mention which processing software you used. I use PS to create Hubble Palette images (Annie's Astro Actions) and run into problems with magenta halos, however, I discovered there is a nice fix for it in PI using a PixelMath script (attached) I found on the PI forum. Apparently the same thing can be achieved using ColorMask under the Script menu but as yet I've not tried that method. HTH Adrian remove magenta stars.xpsm
  2. I'm G4NOV but very much QRT (non-operational) these days - all I have is a very old IC2E and I've not heard anything on that for years! I was always a big fan of RTTY and Amtor writing my own software for the BBC (now in the loft) and Archimedes (long gone to a new owner). I would be very interested to know/hear how you get on trying to have a contact with ISS. I was always impressed by amateurs who used meteor scatter for brief contacts using large, high-gain, steerable, multiple antenna arrays - the ISS sounds equally challenging. Good luck!
  3. Wow! I am seriously impressed. I am also impressed this feat of construction appears to be taking place in the lounge! But to be serious that is some undertaking and I only wish I felt I could do something similar. I'm currently trying to pluck up the courage to drill two holes in a Vixen bar - maybe tomorrow. Good luck and I look forward to seeing the finished item. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. Adrian
  4. I use Arcsinh a lot but in PI. I perform gradient removal first followed by colour calibration and then noise reduction before applying Arcsinh incrementally. I then use PS to pull out the colours. I presume the same process might apply in PS. Adrian
  5. Hi Oleg, This is the version I use - running on a 2013 MacBook Pro. My programming experience is very dated - 6502 processors on home computers, IBM8080 and Fortran IV on ICL1900 mainframes - all way back in the 1970's and 80's. Since then I've been a GUI 'wrapped in cottonwool' user I'm afraid. I am currently trying to get to grips with Linux (via VirtualBox on the NUC) and programming an Arduino (via the MBP) and at my age it could be too much! Thank you again for a very useful utility. Adrian
  6. I have Raw2Fits running under Ubuntu Astronomy within VirtualBox on a NUC-PC (I gave up with the MacBook!). This is a really steep learning curve for a non-Linux person. I have tried the current version and it worked perfectly on my Canon raw files, converting them to individual RGB .fit files. Thank you. Adrian
  7. If only I could get Ubuntu to run on my 2006 MacBook I would like to give your software a go - it looks very interesting. Back to the MacBook
  8. Hi! Have you looked at one of these: http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p5632_TS-Optics-50mm-f-6-6-APO-Doublet-Refractor---Day-Night-Scope-and-Tele-Objective.html I've purchased from Teleskop-Express in the past and delivery is typically five days. I've been considering upgrading my SW finder/guider on my ED80DS Pro ; AA scopes seem to be constantly out of stock/awaiting delivery. All very frustrating!
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