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Everything posted by geoflewis

  1. As others have said, it's mostly if not all due to seeing. The seeing from my location on the night of 6/7 May was extraordinary, so it looks like you caught some of that on 7th May, but for me most of the nights prior to and since then have been very poor indeed. I've posted my best image from 6 May elsewhere on SGL, but have included it again along with my poor 'best of the rest' since then taken 15 May to show what a difference it makes. The same permanently mounted well collimated and cooled scope/camera combination, shooting mono RGB-RGB-RGB sequences stacked in AS3! wavelets in Registax6, derotated in WinJupos. Seeing is everything and very fickle indeed from the UK, especially with Jupiter at such a low altitude, i.e. you never know when it's going to be good. Make sure your scope is well collimated and cooled and just keep trying..., though personally I haven't been trying planetary recently due to a combination of holiday and me getting back to imaging DSOs. Good luck, Geof
  2. Ditto - I took my QSI camera off my 4" APO and swapped out the connectors/adapters, so that I could focus on galaxy close ups with my C14+Optec FF/FR for a few weeks before the run up to Jupiter oppoistion late April/ early May, but so far I haven't even been able to get my autofocus settings for the C14 calibrated, let alone take any images. I'm now thinking that its highly unlikely that I'll get any done before I switch to planetary in a couple of weeks time, so I will probably put the camera back on the 4" to shoot some of the wider field summer targets like veil, NAB for which the C14 is a no go, which of course means reconfiguring the camera/adapters again....!! Oh well, its still a fun hobby and I don't think that I've wasted too much money - though my wife has a completely different opinion on that
  3. Here's mine taken a couple of years ago with a 10" Meade that I no longer own and a DBK21AU04.AS colour camera processing just the red channel.
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