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Everything posted by vlaiv

  1. Ok here it is: 1. original FOV orientation 2. After 180 around RA axes 3. After 180 around DEC axes 4. Actual line DEC rotates around - it's angled to what it should rotate about because RA and DEC are not 90degs to each other. Diagram shows exaggerated angles just to make it obvious. So 1 - initial FOV orientation, 3 - final after flip - clearly FOV has rotated.
  2. Just repeat diagrams with DEC not being 90degs to RA - it will show rotation.
  3. Well if you have proper polar alignment and RA and DEC are orthogonal (I edited my post above, I think it is plausible explanation for field rotation - RA and DEC not being perfect 90 degs), any offset will be corrected with motion in DEC and RA - these do not create FOV rotation.
  4. Yes, I see what you mean, still not sure if that would result in frame rotation. It might, but if we reason that 180deg rotation in each axis is flipping FOV (in either vertical or horizontal direction), not sure if it would lead to FOV rotation more or less than 180 degs. Pointing error will surely be present - GOTO would suffer no doubt. Center of FOV might end up in wrong place after flip - offset by some RA and DEC amount but not sure about rotation. Lets think of it this way. Instead of having tube pointing only in one direction let's consider tube that is hollow and points forward and backward - empty OTA for sake of argument, we are looking at central line - line of sight of OTA both forward and backward. 180 deg rotation around any axes that crosses OTA central line will result in flip. Yes, indeed - if we flip on two axes that are not orthogonal we will end up with rotation that is not perfect 180. This is possible solution to problem. So if RA is not orthogonal to DEC - frame rotation will happen! This case is not even hard to imagine. On my HEQ5 when I did adjustment of backlash and general maintenance - at certain point in procedure DEC axis is adjusted only on one side of RA (next to the worm, the other side, down where weights bar is is held by bearing in place), by moving couple of millimeters back and forth - enough to deviate from 90 degrees.
  5. Also - rotation of FOV for 180 degrees after flip is just apparent rotation - it's not real rotation so it can rotate a bit more or a bit less - its two times mirror image - once in vertical, once in horizontal - two flips combine to give same result as 180 deg rotation. This is due to 180 degs RA and DEC movement when performing meridian flip.
  6. I gave it a bit more thought and here is my argument: Properly polar aligned setup: Any movement in either RA or DEC or combination of those will not introduce FOV rotation. Cone error (up down) is movement in RA. Sideways movement of OTA is DEC. So anything that can happen to scope is combination of RA and DEC if properly aligned. Except tube / focuser / camera rotation. So possible causes of field rotation would be: improper clamping of tube - so it tilts left right (looking down the tube with mount being at the bottom) under gravity when lying on its side (just before and after meridian) - but I guess this is not case - easily spotted, one would feel ota being loose on a mount. Any kind of focuser rotation, camera rotation due to gravity and uneven distribution of weight in configurations west / east of pier. And of course - polar alignment. We know that field rotation is problem for long exposure if polar alignment is not good. So to me this is obvious reason for field rotation. Mind you, although points before and after meridian flip are close on sky, they are 180 degs apart in both RA and DEC when meridian flip is performed.
  7. Not sure that I'm convinced with this argument. Cone error - in essence same thing as pointing to a different part of the sky. Only important in the terms - goto / mount / computer thinks that scope is pointing to a certain place, and the scope knows it's pointing somewhere else. After meridian flip, frame will be rotated 180 degrees and point where scope is pointing will be "rotated" 180 degrees - meaning it will flip cone error to other side - it will not contribute to FOV rotation - only offset - this is corrected with RA/DEC offset (which does not rotate FOV). Orthogonality of camera being X/Y orientation to RA/DEC? - no impact on meridian flip as it rotates FOV by 180 no matter how it's oriented - if it's 30 degs to "horizontal" (being RA) - after 180 deg rotation it will continue to be 30 degs to horizontal.
  8. So it has nothing to do with actual exposures, its just scope orientation pre/post flip?
  9. Yes, I'm thinking about small error, also depending on polar alignment error - it could be present on one side and almost none on the other side - look at two circles - place where they intersect - tangents are at the angle, further away from that point tangents are more and more parallel - 90 degs from intersection - tangents are fully parallel. Contributing to this would be guide scope alignment. Are you guiding with guide scope or OAG? Also what is length of your exposure? If long, check for field rotation inside frames. Make sure that guide scope is aligned well with main ota. You can easily do this by slewing to a bright star and checking fovs of both cameras - imaging and guiding - star should be centered in both.
  10. No, I was wrong, it can't be due to mount being tilted. Only way to get angle between frames is due to polar alignment, or lack of it. One way to explain it would be - misalignment is such that on east side circles are aligned almost ok, while on the other side they start do diverge.
  11. Just a guess here, what would happen if mount is not perfectly level? if it's tilted to one side? could this be a cause for slight rotation of field pre/post meridian? If mount is a bit tilted to west or east then meridian line on sky and meridian line of mount will be at a slight angle. Now when I come to think of it, yes, this might be a reason - sky / stars flip around sky meridian and sensor flips around mount meridian, on one side - east of meridian - consider them aligned, but on west side frame is rotated with angle 180 degs + difference between sky meridian and mount meridian. Well frame rotates 180 degrees but stars inside frame rotate a bit more. I made a mess out of explaining, let me try to make a diagram.
  12. vlaiv

    Astrophoto by vlaiv

  13. vlaiv

    M13 - spring 2016

    From the album: Astrophoto by vlaiv

    Equipment: ZWO ASI185 at prime focus of SW 8" F/6 Newton, HEQ5 (belt mod + bearings replaced & tuning), TS 60mm F/4 guidescope, QHY5IILc guidecam Data: 165x30s lights, 25x30s darks, no filters - full spectrum, resolution 0.64"/pixel Software: SIPS capture, PHD2 guiding, DSS stacking, StarTools processing Conditions: red zone but superb night - milky way barely visible at zenith, very good seeing, no Moon, no wind
  14. vlaiv

    M51 - spring 2016

    From the album: Astrophoto by vlaiv

    Equipment: ZWO ASI185 at prime focus of SW 8" F/6 Newton, HEQ5, TS 60mm F/4 guidescope, QHY5IILc guidecam Data: 72x60s lights, 16x60s darks, no filters - full spectrum, originally captured at 0.64"/pixel but binned 2x2 for effective resolution of 1.28"/pixel Software: SIPS capture, PHD2 guiding, DSS stacking, Nebulosity4 processing Conditions: red zone, Moon 66.8% illuminated at 64 degrees to target
  15. I think it is viable option for public outreach. Take for example following setup: Projector, white screen, fast system with matched cmos of new generation (low read noise order of ~2e) and appropriate software Proposed setup: F/4 newtonian 8" or 6", HEQ5, ZWO ASI185 / 224, laptop and software to autoguide while stacking short exposures and doing stacking and auto development in the background - I think most bright objects can be viewed in under a minute and even less - with exposures in range of 1-4s (software takes exposure, corrects guiding for next exposure, aligns and stacks frame and does basic stretching to display faint parts) - yes it will be noisy in first couple of exposures but by the end of the first minute - I think one will have decent image - probably better looking than image at eyepiece to inexperienced observer without dark adaptation - and it can be shown to bunch of people at the same time.
  16. vlaiv

    NGC 7331 - 11/11/2015

    From the album: Astrophoto by vlaiv

    Here is image that I took while experimenting with SNR calculations and viability of using planetary camera for deep sky photography (sensor is sensor thus was concluded ) Equipment: Newton 200/1200 on HEQ5, unguided but PEC applied, QHY5IILc as imaging camera, GSO x0.5 focal reducer (effective reduction ~x0.65) Data: ~ 520 x 10s light frames (540 taken, about 520 stacked), 64 dark frames, total integration time: ~ 1h 27min, FL 770, F/3.85, resolution ~1"/pixel
  17. vlaiv

    M82 autumn 2015

    From the album: Astrophoto by vlaiv

    Another one taken on a whim while experimenting with EAA HEQ5, Skywatcher 200p (8" F/6), GSO focal reducer x0.5, QHY5L-IIc at prime focus. 600x 1s unguided exposures, total time 10min
  18. vlaiv

    M42 winter 2016

    From the album: Astrophoto by vlaiv

    This one represents my best effort so far in using short tube achromat to do astrophotography. Equipment used: HEQ5, TS 60mm guide scope, QHY5L-IIc ASI185 at prime focus, yellow #8 and UV/IR cut filter. Skywatcher ST102 with custom 66mm aperture mask Mosaic of 4 segments 30x1m each - total integration time 2h Processing: stacked in DSS, stitched and binned in ImageJ, just basic digital development and some color correction
  19. From the album: Astrophoto by vlaiv

    This image was taken on a whim while experimenting with EAA. Equipment: HEQ5, Skywatcher 8" F/6 (200p mounted on equatorial mount), GSO focal reducer x0.5, QHY5L-IIc as imaging camera, non guided. 600 x 1s exposure for total of 10min
  20. All sorts of things come into play when choosing guiding setup. It is not only focal length that counts, it is also the size of pixels both in imaging and guiding equipment. With increased focal length of guider scope you get more precise guiding provided your mount is up to it and the skies allow but trade offs are: Smaller field of view to pick guide stars from, longer exposure needed to get good SNR on guide star. Many people use off axis guiders that operate on same focal length as imaging train but use guider cameras with smaller pixels. I have read somewhere that you should aim for 1/3 - 1/4 in arcsec/pixel ratio between imaging and guiding setup if using guide scope. For example if using scope of 800mm focal length and have same pixel size on both imaging and guiding camera you would like to stay above or equal to 200mm focal length for guide scope. You can guide 1000mm focal length scope with 160mm guider provided that your imaging camera has twice as large pixels as guide camera. Sensitivity of guide camera and level of read noise also play part in this equation because of way that guide programs work. I'm in favor of fast guide scope with large FOV. This can have benefit of having multiple guide stars to guide in the same time. Not sure if this is implemented in any of guiding programs but I feel that it would be of great help in beating the seeing - perturbation of star position due to seeing is rather local so if average drift across multiple stars is taken - one expect for seeing effects to be smaller.
  21. According to ZWO, Gain of 350 should give you the least read noise for that model. Any gain setting above 200 is good - aim closer to 200 to get better dynamic range. Set exposure time as low as possible to get at least 50% (you can go lower than that but at expense of SNR), higher values are better (like already suggested 75% of histogram, provided you don't clip histogram or have too long exposure for given seeing). I usually leave gamma at 50 (it is only digital so no real benefit, and certainly so for planetary imaging), white balance at 50 for both blue and red (again no benefit since it is digital control and can be adjusted later after stacking). One thing to do as well - there is brightness setting (at least for 185mc, but I guess it is same for 224), when you decide on exposure length, cover telescope (as if taking dark frames) and look at the histogram. If it is clipping to the left, increase brightness setting. Minimum values of your dark frames should be just above 0. Do take at least 256 dark frames and process your recording in pipp (to do dark frame subtraction - this will remove both dark and bias signal). For DSO there is no real benefit in going over 135 with Gain, so keep under. For shorter exposures stay above 60 for gain, for longer exposures you can go below 60 with gain. There seems to be a switch in read mode around gain value of 60 that has effect on read noise. Last tip - don't use bias frames - take as many dark frames as you can at exactly same settings - without touching any of controls - just cover telescope with a cap. It seems that these sony cmos sensors have some internal calibration that is applied whenever you change either gain or exposure length.
  22. This implies that even in sky noise dominated scenario there will be difference between hardware and software bin, maybe not significant one, but still, even in this case hardware bin will be better than software. Only when there is no read noise they are the same. Vladimir
  23. Can you elaborate on this one? Noise is noise, no matter which source it comes from (sky flux poisson process or read noise or thermal noise), it may have different statistical characteristics, but in general it will be random unwanted addition to signal. My view on things including original question is as follows: Prefer mosaic + software binning (of stacked and stitched mosaic) over focal reducer (at least over any reducer that has not been specially designed for particular scope and of highest quality). Pros of mosaic + software binning: Smaller FOV to work with - less off axis aberrations of any kind (coma, astigmatism, field curvature) which are usually amplified by focal reducer. Making mosaic in general does not require much more time to achieve target SNR (not really true due to read noise, but close enough). For example: you consider to take 16 subs over target area. In case of mosaic (2x2) you would use 4 subs for each mosaic segment. 16 subs would give you x4 SNR after stacking, while for other case: 4 subs per segment give you x2 SNR reduction for segment, and then you bin 4 segments (mathematically it is equivalent of stacking 4 subs) - x2 SNR increase again - 2x2 = x4 SNR, same as in first case. SNR has quadratic dependence, but so does area.
  24. Here is my best of 2015. All images taken with SW 130/900 newton and qhy5L-IIc on eq2 mount (SER recording, AS2! stacking, Registax wavelets, iMerge for moon mosaic)
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