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Posts posted by fireballxl5

  1. 8 hours ago, Adam J said:

    I would say there is no way that a Samyang 135 would give good corners on a 6200 sensor

    I think that the OP is referring to the CFF 135 refractor...http://www.cfftelescopes.eu/product/refractor-135-mm-f6


    PS, I'm considering purchase of a Samyang 135mm f2 lens to use with my Canon 6D Mk1. Is this lens good for a full-frame DSLR?

    CS, Andy

  2. +1 for the AZ-GTi as a light weight travel mount, though I do use the ASIair Pro now for alignment,  control and guiding. Works well for me using focal lengths ranging up to 650mm with my 60mm travel refractor. 

    There are a couple of related threads already on SGL, such as 


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    3 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

    Registar not only aligns images when co-registering them, it also resizes them.

    I run a dual Tak setup, RGB using one and Lum on the other. Occasionally combining in PI will result in colour fringed stars, usually red though.  When this occurs I transfer the individual, part-processed channels to MaxImDL for LRGB combination and this works without fail.  I've not found a detailed explanation of how MaxIm works under the hood but maybe similar to Registrar? 

  4. I managed to make use of the limited period of semi-darkness last Saturday (13th) to capture this image of Sh2-115 (main image) and Sh2-116 (planetary nebula PK 85+ 4.1), the small ball of nebulousness to the lower right.

    This is a first posting of data using a 'new to me' Chroma filter set (thanks @Steve 1962), so this image was taken using a 3nm Hyd Alpha filter. Just 6 ten minute subs before the cloud came over at around 2:30am. Data captured using a 85mm refractor/mono CCD at 1.7"/pixel. Minimal processing in PI (DBE, MLT and some curves). Cal files need re-doing at some point😜

    Hope to collect some OIII and RGB soonish.

    CS, Andy


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  5. Great image Rodd - I very much preferred the 1st version👍

    I found the area using star SAO 69541. This is the region from SkyMapPro v12 with some of the background and the Fov of my 150mm refractor/CCD combo...


  6. It was a long time ago,  but when I first tried imaging using my OO GX250 with my SLR (in late 90's) I didn't have enough back-focus. I overcame this by using the full range of the primary mirror holder to move the mirror further up,  into the tube.  This pushed the focus point further out at the focuser. If you can do this it should avoid the need of the Barlow. 

  7. I have a dual rig setup for AP with an 85mm scope for RGB and 150mm scope for lum. When combining these stacks in PI I usually have similar problems though more pronounced. In these cases I transfer the part processed stacks to MaxImDL to create the combined LRGB, going back to PI to finish off. I'd try a different app for RGB combination to see if it's just a limitation of PI. Having said this, mine may just be a problem with my lack of PI knowledge/experience.

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