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Posts posted by fireballxl5

  1. 27 minutes ago, WanderingEye said:

    Check this thread out too, on the INdI forum, looks very interesting, and just what you are looking for, first prototypes just made, this is essentially what the ASIAIR is, raspberry PI with Hat on top with the extra ports...


    It's great to see this development work going on but owing to lack of time and knowing that COTS designs are imminent I'll wait for a consumer offering...

  2. Regarding the Starlink satellites, it has been reported that they are working on fixes to reduce the visual impact for astronomers, see https://spacenews.com/spacex-working-on-fix-for-starlink-satellites-so-they-dont-disrupt-astronomy/

    Also, they won't just be in LEO. Phases 1 and 2 will be located in 8 orbit shells ranging from 335.9km upto 1325km, see details here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink_(satellite_constellation) 

    CS, Andy

    PS just noticed in the Wiki link that these latest 60 Starlink satellites launched in Nov are v1.0 and have "Albedo reduced", compared with v0.9 launched in May.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

    It would be interesting to produce a light curve for it. Do we know what its magnitude range is?

    There is some old and limited data from 1997 in the linked article at http://www.messier.seds.org/xtra/leos/gl.html


    and slightly more recent 1999 data here: http://tocobs.org/m27.htm


    The AAVSO identify the star as V0571 Vul and have an entry here: https://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top&oid=63394, detailing a magnitude range of 14.4-17.5 (Rc band) with a period of 214 days.


    CS, Andy

  4. 1 hour ago, wimvb said:

    Cool! Always nice to see physics in action. Unfortunately that other variable is just outside your fov. 

    The second variable wasn't mentioned in the S&T article and as I'd already aligned & cropped the images to create the GIF and didn't have more time this morning I didn't go back to check this after reading the PDF😊...until now🙂

    In fact, the second Mira variable is also in both shots and I've marked them up below.

    Thanks for the feedback🙂

    CS, Andy



    M27 full 2012 - marked.png

    M27 full 2017 - marked.png

    • Like 2
  5. After reading a short article in June 2019's issue of S&T by Robert J. Vanderbei on the Goldilocks' Variable Star - see links below, I thought that I'd check my images of M27. Sure enough I had shots from Sept 2012 and Aug 2017 which showed this Mira-type star's variability🙂 Using these images I've created this animated GIF. 
    Note that the star was not visible in 2012 and visible in 2017 and although both are HaRGB images, they were captured using very different setups (12" MC and 6" refractor respectively)🙃






    Blink00002 - marked.png

    PS, the blue cast on the 2012 (not visible) frame isn't so strong at all on the original GIF🤔

    • Like 17
  6. Hi all,

    we had a short clear spell on Friday evening and I managed to grab some luminance and RGB subs of the comet over a 34 minute period using my dual scope rig - lum @ 120s and RGB @ 60s subs.

    As the comet's motion was fairly quick I used just one set of subs to create this LRGB image. Using the 17 lum subs I also created this animated GIF showing the comet's motion over this period.

    All images at 1.7arc-sec/pixel.

    CS, Andy



    • Like 7
  7. for star size comparison here's my shot of the same target from back in 2008 using my 12" f9 MC (fl=2700mm), just 8x300s lum only. In not so great conditions🙃

    This was at an image scale of 0.56arcsec/pix, long before I realised the importance (and inherent difficultly with my kit and sky conditions) of guide scale vs image scale lol. I've since backed-off to a more comfortable 1.7arcsec/pix😉

    HTH, Andy


    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    I use something very similar, if not identical.

    I put a sheet of A4 paper over it which eliminates the 'grid', and I take 12 flats, rotating it about 30 degrees  between each one. This gives me excellent results.

    if that works for you then great, but I don't fancy rotating the panel between each flat exposure, especially when I like to automate the process across 7 filters (20x7 exposures🙃)

    Maybe I've been spoilt by my 350x350mm EL panel (used with my 12" MC scope). I'm looking for something more convenient for use with my smaller refractors.

    CS, Andy

  9. I purchased the OP's linked LED light panel and saw that the light intensity was heavily biased to one end. Together with the grid effect pattern I didn't like to look of it so returned it for a refund.

    So I'm still on the lookout for an A4 sized LED panel that is evenly illuminated, ideally edge to edge😛

  10. Lots of good info here, thanks for the contributions 🙂

    I already have the AZ-GTi and Polemaster. I'm looking at options for a scope mounted controller such as RPi Stellarmate or equivalent. Can the RPi based solutions provide the same functionality as Polemaster, maybe using the Polemaster itself or even the guide camera?

  11. I currently image with a Canon DSLR/60mm refractor combo on my AstroTrac and use a laptop with PHD2 for guiding in RA only. This seems to work very well but I would like to replace the laptop with something less power demanding when I'm traveling.

    So, I'm looking at adding some Pi automation & control to my travel imaging rig and homing in on a Stellarmate setup. This is the shopping list I've put together for a nice Christmas present 😁

    Any comments before committing to this? Anything that I've missed?

        1. Pi4 model B, 4GB, https://thepihut.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b?variant=20064052740158, £54
        2. FLIRC metal case, https://thepihut.com/products/flirc-raspberry-pi-4-case, £16
        3. HDMI cable, https://thepihut.com/products/micro-hdmi-to-standard-hdmi-a-cable, £5
        4. 16GB+ Class 10 MicroSD card, SanDisk Ultra 16 GB microSDHC Memory Card + SD Adapter with A1 App Performance Up to 98 MB/s, Class 10, U1 https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B073K14CVB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_zKPYDbZ4FNN1P, £6
        5. Stellamate O/S, https://www.stellarmate.com/products/stellarmate-os.html, $49

    PS, further reading shows that I may need a RTC module, is this one compatible with Stellarmate?


      CS, Andy  

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