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    Completing my messier Hunt
    Breaching my way into AP the only way i know how, Piece by modified piece :)
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    Fort worth

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  1. storms and flooding agian

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gutross


      so do i, and a report early this morning another dam is about to give way. i dont know if anyone will be directly affected by this one, but i so i hope they are ordering evacuations. as of yesterday morning there were only three Lakes that were a foot below optimal capacity. but that was before yesterday and last night. if it keeps up mor epeople are going to lose their lives, and homes to this weather

    3. Gutross


      I can see mexico being hit with tornados being real bad, atliest here we have fairly sturdy home, welll most of us that dont live in a trailer park. i could see hundreds killed/injured to thousands without homes if one spins up near the "suburbs"

    4. xtreemchaos


      i hope it dont, we lived in trailers for 20 years before i retired so i know thay dont give you much protection.keep safe mate.

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