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    Completing my messier Hunt
    Breaching my way into AP the only way i know how, Piece by modified piece :)
  • Location
    Fort worth

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  1. YAY Vacation was approved! hope its not cloudy in two weeks!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gutross


      I am a Store Manager for a Gas Station, 10 hour days 6 days a week, "on Call" 24/7 and stressed the hell out, the company i work for specilizes in buying lower profit store that other corperations shed every so often to make their profit margin and and average daily sales increase with out actually doing so, making investors more money and happier. my company then upgrades the existing systems as nescessary trims the shrink by paying the employees less than most companies, and has the...

    3. Gutross


      current employees "sold" with the store where they are systematically replaced by friends and family to further reduce their overhead. to sum it up i dont know if i iwll come in tomorrow with the new owners ready for me to train them on how to run their new purchase

    4. xtreemchaos


      stress is a killer,my grandfather told me when i was in my 20s" what can happen, may happen and may never happen and theres now point worrying about it untill it happens. wise words from a old man,i didnt realize what he ment untill he had died years later. we are small cogs in a very large machine.

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