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Everything posted by gorann

  1. Great start Adrian! Buying a coutryside property was what got me into AP. Never even thought about it when I lived in or near a city. So welcome to the dark side!
  2. There is one more person interested but he also said that he needed to wait a bit......
  3. I was aiming at the area around LBN331 in Cygnus two nights ago. It was supposed to be clear the whole night but after 55 min, at 9.30 clouds moved in and covered the whole sky until I gave up at 1.30. Had no big hope for my 55 min of data, but then it was captured with the RASA 8 at f/2 and the ASI2600MC, so you never know. Since the moon is also up I had the IDAS NBX dual band (Ha + Oiii) filter on. To my surprise the image from the 11 x 5 min subs looked quite promising and soon I also saw a faint bluish structure I did not know would be there. Could I have discovered a new Squid? Well, I sent Wim @wimvb a message and within minutes he put me right by pointing me at this site: https://www.nebulaphotos.com/lbn-ldn/nwcygnus/ So, it turns out to be Oiii emission from a giant super nova remnant without any name, but with the designation SNR G 082.2+0.53. It is really huge. My FOW is 2.25° x 3.36°, so it must have an angular diameter of 1.3°, which is nearly three times that of the moon (0.5°). Obviously I will point the RASA in the same direction as soon as it clears. Like the famous Squid this SNR is really faint, and 55 minutes is admittantly a rediculously short integration time even for this scope and there are many more photons waiting to be captured
  4. I am an addict to LCE in PS but never used LHE in PI, but now I have. Quite useful. Then I also tweaked it towards green in curves which also brought some more signal into it I think. So here is the more green and a bit more dynamic squid. Thanks for the tip Olly!
  5. Thanks Vlaiv👍 Amazing how you can set up a whole lecture with graphs in a few minutes, or maybe you have answered this question many times before😉
  6. Thanks Olly! I have started looking at other images of the Squid and noticed that people have it from deep violet-blue, to cyan, and green. Then I found this old thread on SGL telling me that Oiii is really green. How can that be when we all say there is no green in space (except for those small green men) while there is plenty of Oiii. I am no big fan of green things in images and I am addicted to SCNR-green in PI. Maybe I should tweak the colours of my squid? Wonder what Valiv's @vlaiv opinion is.
  7. Thanks Phil! If only the clouds cooperate then your set-up should be excellent for the task. You should get the whole bat in without a problem.
  8. Thanks Sean! A light bucket like the RASA 8 helps a lot on a faint object like the squid. And then you have to stretch a lot but still carefully. I used the IDAS NBX that is ment for high speed scopes like the RASA (which is f/2).
  9. You were right Andrew, so here is a version with reduced red saturation. I like it better.
  10. Thanks Andrew. I thought about that and could not decide. More signal made it more red, but I could easily desaturate it a bit. Will have a look again.
  11. Thanks Kinch! You should have a go at it with your new Sharpstar light bucket. The data does need a lot of stretching.
  12. Thanks! If there is an end to them, it will take a long time to reach it, fortuantely.
  13. Thans Dave! How do I calculate/measure my SNR? Last night was Saturday and I have a wife, so I only run one obsy. Tonight I may also fire up the double-Esprit obsy while the RASA is ticking away on a dark nebula. Well, at least that is the plan......
  14. I posted my first two hours here Friday night and now I magaged to get four 4 more hours last night so now with 6.2 hours (75 x 5 min) and there is clearly less noise and more details. Quite happy with the result with this extremely faint object. I think the image reveals that the RASA 8 is a real light bucket, that the ASI2600MC is a very sensitive camera, and that a dual band filter works quite well on modern OSC cameras. More info on the system in my previous post:
  15. That explains why it is not all red but with nice white and blue stars👍.
  16. Yes, of course, but sadly Michael who drives his fresh-fish lorry from Gothenburg up here every Friday was empty for calamari🥴
  17. Very nice Mick! Is this HaRGB? What lens/scope did you use?
  18. Yes, it does have 2.4 times more light grasp than an Epsilon 130 with about the same FL, and if you arrange the cables right you can even get star spikes😆. But then it is not made in Japan so it does not have that glorious price tag, so you are left with the problem of spending the 1000 pounds left over🥴.
  19. Thanks Mick! We are into the cheese now 🤗 Will get mote data tomorrow night I hope
  20. Maybe you mean same focal length? An Esprit 80 with a 400 mm FL (so f/5) would need (5x5) / (2/2) = 6.25 times more time than the RASA8 with 400 mm at f/2.
  21. Thanks Olly! I cannot wait to see what it can do with 5 - 10 more hours, but tonight is cloudy again and it is Friday which for me and the wife means fresh langustines from Gothenburg and white wine 🥂🦞 Saturday night looks promising AP wise right now
  22. I think you may consider the new CMOS OSC a step foreward😉
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