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Yawning Angel

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Posts posted by Yawning Angel

  1. During this planetary season I've tried to focus on getting my C8 to perform to a level I'm happy with.

    It's had an external focuser and motor, the Celestron dew rings (great bit of kit!) and a new camera. I even put a handle on the top rail! Lavished it with care, only for disaster to strike in the form of somehow managing to strip the aluminium threads out of one of the collimation screw holes!

    After some panicky Googling and a fruitless search for a replacement secondary holder I bit the bullet, drilled it out and tapped it M4. After rebuilding it I was dubious (and started window shopping for a C11😇) but it collimated up remarkably well with the OCAL (oh, that should have been on the list too)

    Star testing brought it to a point I was happy with so on the 30th I tried it out on Jupiter (and later Mars) to see if it was behaving

    26 x 120 sec on Jupiter until the clouds moved me away, 5ms @ 350 gain and about 200fps giving around 24,000 frames per file. Seeing wasn't dreadful, which is good by the standards of NW England - some passing haze and thin clouds

    Batch stacked all of them at 50% with the intention of making a short animation, but on review the small pause to refocus was really noticeable, so I thought to experiment with derotating the lot and seeing what WinJupos could make of it

    I'm not sure I can expect much more from 8"

    52 mins exposure time - Celestron C8, ZWO ADC, TS x1.5 barlow, IR/UV filter / Player One Mars C ii


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  2. 4 hours ago, Dragon_Astro said:

    Great animation, really like how you can see Jupiters’ shadow cast onto Io

    Thank you! I had to recheck the frames for Io, because I thought it vanishing early was a stacking error 🙂

    9 minutes ago, Tommohawk said:

    Nice capture and nice presentation too!

    Kind of you to say so, thank you

  3. So much data! 45 minutes of captures, 15 videos, 135gb. 18000 frames per file via FireCapture. 10% stacked in AS!3

    Processed in PixInsight, animation in Photoshop 

    Io rotating behind and Europa just after a transit

    Celestron C8 / x2 Powermate/ Player One Mars Cii


    • Like 36
  4. 40 minutes ago, Kon said:

    Excellent mosaic with lovely details and some of the colours are coming through nicely!

    Cheers! I was quite happy with the colours in this: I've not previously got the same balance from OSC that I could get with mono

  5. During the evening of the 17th I was noodling about with some Jupiter imagine, with a side excursion to the Moon and Mars. This is an accidental mosaic assembled from my random snapping away at interesting features - I only noticed opportunity when I processed them as a batch

    I've been very disappointed with the C8 for quite a while, as it gave very soft images no matter how I tweaked the collimation - and then I replaced the Bob's Knobs with hex cap bolts. Absolutely night and day the difference. It actually holds alignment from night to night!

    Oh, and the Celestron dew heater rings work really well and are very tidy 👍

    Celestron C8 / x2 Powermate / QHY5iii462c + IR/UV cut


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  6. 26 minutes ago, Simon128D said:

    Very nice! Though I am surprised you didn't start to catpure the beginging of the Ganymede transit by the end of your capture. The GRS was just about to leave view when I started capturing the transit. 

    Thank you! The start of the GRS transit was blocked by trees, and any further capture after that was blocked by the need for sleep 🙂 

  7. Celestron C8, asi178mm (bin2), Powermate x2 - 4000mm f20

    1500 frame each in RG and B plus IR bandpass (ProPlanet 642).

    AS!3 Stacked 25%
    Aligned in imPPG
    Sharpened each channel with PixInsight RestorationFilter
    LRGB combination with the IR as Luminance
    Finally a slight curves adjustment to saturation


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  8. My first proper try at a colour comet image, and what a trial!

    Stacked for the background stars, then pulled the stars out with StarXTerminator. Then ran CometAlignment on all of the subs, and integrated the RG & B comet files with some aggressive rejection to clear up most of the start trails.
    Cleaned up the mono subs backgrounds. Combined into a colour image, then XTerminated some noise and sorted the colour balance
    Curves adjustments to taste then layered the stars back in

    Not 100% happy, as it still showing some diagonal artefacts from the stars but it's getting there. Hoping for a few more stabs at it 🤞

    APM 107/700 + asi1600mm. 20 x 2min each in RG&B. Processed in PixInsight then Photoshop


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