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Yawning Angel

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Posts posted by Yawning Angel

  1. 1 hour ago, JeremyS said:

    Stunning 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    Thank you!

    1 hour ago, FenlandPaul said:

    That looks like a cracking lens - beautiful image. 🤩

    Cheers, its a heavy lump but very nice!

    1 hour ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

    Cracking image! Is that at full aperture?

    Cheers! Yes, wide open at f1.4. The corner stars we're slightly T shaped, but nothing horrible

    48 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

    I was only reading a review of that lens this morning. What a belter!

    I'm not disappointed, that's for sure!

  2. 1 hour ago, Kon said:

    That's amazing!

    Thank you!

    56 minutes ago, Rusted said:

    Well done!  :thumbsup:

    I was trying to think what the fierce activity reminds me of:
    The effects of a nuclear bomb on structures within the blast radius?

    Its quite eerie, like something is hiding inside

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, TakMan said:

    A super capture 👍

    Saw that (well the lower half) on the GONG image and thought that’d be a good target - if only it wasn’t a work day….

    Lucky you!


    Thank you Damian! I was a work day for me too, but I can run the scope from my home office 🙂

    • Like 1
  4. Having only a brief window of time (and a new lens to play with) I popped outside just long enough to grab a burst of 52 images. Taken at f/8, ISO 100, 1/125th. Sony A6400 with the 200-600G @ 600mm

    Loaded the RAW images into PIPP, aligned them and outputted as an SER file. The SER was then run through the usual AS!3 and Registax.


    • Like 4
  5. M106 and it's fuzzy companions. 

    APM 107 / 700mm - asi1600mm - Baader filters - iOptron CEM60

    150 x 120sec Luminance
    60 x 120sec each RG & B
    48 x 300sec Ha

    Total integration time 15 hours. Processed in PixInsight - The RGB was a fight, as it was captured under a full moon, but a clear night isn't something to be squandered 🙂


    • Like 18
  6. 10 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

    The background looks a bit warm to me

    Thank you Olly! Now that it's against the forum pure black background that the warmth of the background looks so obvious 🫣

    I had a go in Photoshop as you suggested, but didn't have any joy - it's something I'll practice and see it in action for myself. It sounds like a potent technique, especially with my Lancastrian skies! Your comment did however point me back to a simple step that I might have missed in PixInsight, which was the Background Neutralization. It seems to have helped tame the beast a little:


    • Like 5
  7. This is put together from 5 hours luminance, 2 hours each for RGB and 4 hours of Ha, across 3 nights, Bortle 6 and a practically full moon. 

    I had a bit of a mare trying to tame the background, which was a mess. I used the Normalize Scale Gradients script in Pi to simplify the job, but it's had to be processed harder than I'd like. Should there be the opportunity, I'm going to re shoot the RGB subs, sans moon!

    APM 107x700mm / asi1600mm

    I love all the extra fuzzies that accompany this FOV (slight crop for composition)


    • Like 7
  8. 20 hours ago, Kon said:

    Nice details and subtle colours.


    17 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    lovely colour balance  Alex


    9 hours ago, Space Cowboy said:

    Very nice!

    Thank you all for the comments!

  9. Taken on the evening of the 3rd, before starting a session of deep sky. This is from my APM 107 x 700 with a 2x Powermate and asi1600mm with filters

    At 2x this only just fit on the sensor! Stacked in AS!3, aligned with imPPG and processed in PixInsight, and Photoshop for cleaning up some colour fringing



    • Like 15
  10. 1 hour ago, ONIKKINEN said:

    Very pleasing image to look at as it has a bit of everything, plenty of stars, dark nebula, reflection nebula, emission nebula.

    Really nicely processed too, everything looks very nice.

    Thank you! Lovely feedback 👍🏻

  11. Dreyer's Nebula - IC 2169

    I though I'd finished with this for the year, as its slipping slowly toward my house roof. But in the hunt for something to shoot under the full moon, I realised I could snag some Ha

    APM 107x700mm / asi1600mm. Bortle 6

    L = 70 x 180sec
    B  = 19 x 300sec
    G = 12 x 300sec
    R = 12 x 300sec
    Ha = 44 x 300sec

    Total of 10hrs 45min

    The background is suffering a little, for which I think I need more RGB - but I'm happy with it, especially for a target I stumbled on which panning around in Stellarium 🙂



    Surprise clouds!



    • Like 25
  12. Less integration time than it deserves, but with no end in sight to the grey blanket this is what I have so far:

    24 x180 sec L
    12 x 300 sec RGB and Ha

    2 versions presented, one without the Ha and one with a gentle dusting added




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