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Yawning Angel

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Posts posted by Yawning Angel

  1. After thin cloud spoilt my grab for a daytime moon, I had thought the day was a bust - until the un-forecast clear early evening!

    My view west is basically my house, so it was a very limited session, racing against the moon's inexorable slide into my ridge tiles. I only managed 1 pass of 1000 frames each LRG and B before the straight line of doom started marching across my screen




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  2. 5 hours ago, assouptro said:

    when you say invert, are you using photoshop

    I'm using PIxInsight and PS, depending on what I'm doing. In PS it's Image -> Adjustments - Invert (CRTL+I)

    If you're treating the fringing in PS, then you can use Camera Raw to reduce it (Filters -> Camera Raw Filter. Then look for the Optics, Defringe) That's in the latest version, but it's been in for a while

  3. I downloaded your tif data and had a play.

    -Inverted and removed green, then inverted back (effectively removes magenta)
    -Boosted the exposure and the saturation, slightly
    -Selectively dropped the saturation on the orange / yellow crater highlights and similar with the blue - these where most visible is the bottom left crater fields


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  4. 1 hour ago, neil phillips said:

    Well your Fine tuning has worked well

    I usually do something like this:

    • Stack in AS!3 giving 2 x Red, Green and Blue panels (asi178mm + 80ED can't quite do the full disk in 1 hit)
    • Registax Waveletts all 6, with the same settings. Not going to 'crunchy'
    • Stitch the frames in Microsoft ICE and save out the 3 mosaic channels
    • Align those 3 in imPPG
    • Open in PixInsight and convert them back to greyscale
    • LinearFit the Red and Blue to the Green
    • LGRB combine - This should give a reasonable colour balance without a distinct cast
    • Curves Adjustment on Saturation to bring the orange and blue up out of the grey.

    At this point, I'm able to spot the fringes clearly:

    • SCNR noise reduction with it's default settings to remove green
    • Invert the image and run SCNR noise reduction again, effectively removing magenta (inverted green)
    • Invert back, then off to Photoshop for polishing in Camera Raw
  5. Surface / Planetary is how it stabilises the image. You want surface, and ctrl + click the green box so it covers a high contrast feature - the edge works well.

    Not getting any APs This might be the minimum brightness setting, just above the Place AP grid button. Try lowering it to 10. You want the APs covering the lit areas. Dark low contrast features can confuse it - tune the brightness option until you get a good spread

  6. The almost full moon from the 25th

    This is a 2 panel mosaic in RGB with the asi178mm.
    It almost wasn’t colour, as the blue data was being a pain and had a noticeable band when merged. A careful restock and reprocess sorted it out

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! Clear skies 

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