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Yawning Angel

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Posts posted by Yawning Angel

  1. I had change to grab some scope time on Saturday (05/06/2021) morning before the day got properly warmed up. 2 panel mosaics in white light, showing AR2827 and AR2829 (asi178mm / Altair wedge).

    A few hours later I was able to swap out to the Quark and captured AR2829 in more detail (Chromosphere / Hypercam174m), although the seeing was degrading with the heat of the day.


    Mono, as captured:

    Colourised in PS:


    Colourised in PS:


    • Like 8
  2. Ahead of the expected cloud spectacle / eclipse I thought it best to test out my white light setup. Being in the north of England this is likely a wasted exercise, but we'll see

    Skywatcher 80ED with an Altair 2" Herschel wedge, then either an asi178mm or Altair Hypercam 174m fan cooled - both further filtered with a Baader IR/UV filter and Solar Continuum stack

    First up, the 178mm:

    Crop and Full disk (2 panel mosaic) - click for full size

    crop.png.0ec74b2ac0d26c9c700a6f8a2ca61df8.png disk.thumb.png.876b21abde060af24ac695a39fdf51bb.png

    Now the 174m

    Full disk / Inverted full disk (because why not?) - click for full size

    disk174.png.380d9bc6e3a2b84668ea12cce18095a4.png disk174inv.png.c6e556938e049ad33d8195327b754118.png

    All stacked with AS!3, and sharpened in Registax but no further processing other than a tidy up crop and export as PNG

    Looks like the 174m is giving a very suitable FOV. The full disk sits comfortably on the sensor without being too tight. The 178mm has the resolution advantage, but at the expense of needing 2 panels. I could use the 0.85 reducer, but was trying to keep unfiltered glass out of the light path

    • Like 9
  3. As an experiment I tried a 2.5x barlow with my 80ED to see if it could get useful data with my asi178mm. 23 panels taken around 21:00 hrs in the fading light. 

    • 23 x 500 frames, captured in SharpCap 4 beta. asi178mm / green filter / Celestron Luminos 2.5x barlow
    • Batch processed in PixInsight, restoration filter
    • Mosaic compiled by Microsoft ICE
    • Processed in Photoshop, including 'Content aware fill' to fix the background sky areas not covered by the mosaic
    • Reduced by 50% to stop it being unreasonably large. (It's still well worth clicking through to the full image)

    I keep thinking about replacing the 80ED, but it keeps delivering



    • Like 11
  4. 9 hours ago, Kon said:

    Great image! Nice and sharp with a lot of details.

    Thank you! It's appreciated!


    9 hours ago, Kimboman said:

    Fantastic image

    Thanks for the kind comment!

    9 minutes ago, 2 Scoops said:

    I was out as well

    Looking good!

  5. Captured around 18:30 this evening. 1000 frames each in RG and B with the asi178mm / Evostar 80ED.

    I find balancing up the colour a challenge with day time mono imaging, but I've aimed for a fair approximation of the visual

    I've been experimenting with Registax wavelets to see if I can get a good balance of sharpness without crater rims blowing out, which is very easy to do! I have saved myself a preset which I applied to each channel's image before combining. 

    I've included (below) a shot of the settings used here, in case it is any use. 



    • Like 7
  6. Far too late to enter for this, so I hope it’s okay to share my version to this thread?

    PixInsight (roughly from memory) - arcsinh stretch, LRGB combine, Starnet, curves on the starless part, enhance dark structure script, add stars back in then scnr green

    Lovely to have data that doesn’t fight back, thank you!


    • Like 3
  7. Captured over 4 hours, 1 x 2000 frame stack every 2 minutes giving 120 x 4gb files! AS!3 batch stacked and mass processed in PixInsight for 8 seconds of animation 🙂

    SW80ED / Daystar Quark Chromosphere / Hypercam174m


    Stills from the same data:

    colour.png.fdd1289970302de641a10a325c306202.png bandw.png.2d2ac2310e4e7ebf1e265a52de80fff3.png

    • Like 17
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