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Yawning Angel

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Posts posted by Yawning Angel

  1. Last time I tried this, I managed a handful of minutes of Ha, then the weather said "nope" for so long, I moved elsewhere.

    Take 2 is getting there, with Ha and Oii but without any significant Sii contribution (for now). Once I have a full set as a first pass, I'll most likely try and rerun the set to double up on exposure time



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  2. Our constant nemesis 'clouds' where fighting to stop me, but with several breaks I grabbed just enough subs to make something presentable. 

    30 x 1min Ha, 30 x 1min Oiii and just 17 x 1min Sii (clouds won the battle on that one!). Darks, but no flats yet! Hopefully I can add to this in the near future...I haven't offended the sky by buying any astronomy kit in ages, so fingers crossed!

    SW80ED / asi1600mm


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  3. I'm surprised this has slipped passed without comment. What a wonderful image to scroll through! The Montes Alpes / Vallis Alpes area is especially striking, well done!

    If AS!3 is giving you a hard time, could you try AS!3, under WINE? You might also get Microsoft ICE running for the mosaicking

  4. 57 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

    That's amazing!

    Thank you!

    Gear etc:

    Skywatcher 80ED, ZWO 178mm, ZWO RGB filters and Astronomik ProPlanet 642 BP. This was purely RGB. 500 frame per filter. Between 50 and 100 gain and exposure time as low as possible, these 3.5ms for red, and green and 5ms for blue. I try to keep the histogram down around 65%, to stop the bright white crater rims from blowing out. Capture in Sharpcap

    In AS!3, I used a stack percentage is based off the quality graph, I try to stack only the frames above 70% (roughly, by eye). For this resolution I used an 88 point size, but I tick multiscale as it seems to perform better on the darker areas

    After AS13 I do a gentle wavelets in Registax, being careful of the highlights again. From there I use imgPPG to align the frames, RGB combine in Pi, and for this I allowed the green as luminance too, as it was the most detailed

    Balance the colour in curves then into Photoshop for the Camera Raw plugin, which is awesome!

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  5. I headed out with the intention of hitting M45. Yeah, the north of England cares not for my plans. Never mind, since the clouds where broken and moving on I pointed at the glowing lightbulb instead!

    I still ended up with a bit of a fight with the weather. The first try was rudely interrupted by rain before I could snag a blue channel! A little while later and a clear patch giving this jewel hanging in the inky black:


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  6. A bit of a cloudy start on Tuesday, and I nearly packed up. However, since I was in an online group chat with a few mates, I hung about in the observatory, and boy was I glad I did!

    Skywatcher 80ED, asi178mm and Baader RG and B filters. Sesto Senso 2 focuser. 75% of 500 stacked, 2 panel mosaic. Click for the full size

    Workflow: Sharpcap -> AS!3 -> Registax -> Microsoft ICE -> PixInsight -> Photoshop



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