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Yawning Angel

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Everything posted by Yawning Angel

  1. Thanks! It's not too tricky, so long as you captur with enough overlap. I usually align the camera with the mount axis' for easier panning
  2. Thank you, and yes zoom in!
  3. Thanks! My Quark has some nonuniformity but with careful flat generation it cleans up Thank you! Your comment cheered me up on this rainy morning!
  4. Have a look at the Sika liquid roofing options : Sika UK. It's not gloss, but has a range of colours etc and is designed for awkward shapes. I have it on my flat roofed roll-off Call them for proper technical advice
  5. As suggested by @TakMan I've slowed it down somewhat. also added the earth at scale 🙂 Proplapse with earth.mp4
  6. Thanks! The captures were 15 seconds limited then wait 45 second using SharpCap. It got around 2300 (5ms and 158 fps) in that time. 10% stacked as a batch in AS!4. I think the default output from Photoshop has it at 30fps, but I might try a slower version at your suggestion A tidy garage gives you more room for telescopes! 🙂
  7. Thank you! I was quite surprised it came out reasonable as the seeing was far from steady Thanks! Happy you liked it
  8. Cheers! I keep meaning to save the process for colourising so I can be more consistent
  9. 24 panel mosic APM107 / x2 Powermate / PlayerOne Mars-Cii Stacked in AS!4.11, sharpened in PixInsight, mosaiced in ICE then cleaned up in Photoshop
  10. Captured on 19th, just before setting off the timelapse I also posted. This is a composite of surface and limb APM107 / Daystar Quark
  11. Taken under variable seeing, from Lancashire. This was from 11am till 3pm, 1 stack captured per minute APM107 / Daystar Quark Stacked with AS!4.11, sharpened with PixInsight. Aligned in imPPG and final assembly in Photoshop Untitled-1.mp4
  12. Imaged on Saturday between 2pm and 3pm. 87 captures, 3000 frame each, 20% stacks Tech: APM 107, Daystar Quark, PlayerOne Apollo-M @ 5ms x 100gain, 148fps
  13. Thank you! APM107 / 700mm + Flattener & ASI1600mm. Baader filters
  14. I captures 5hr 20min of HaLRGB on M51 last year. For want of some data, I've had another crack at it: 2024, cropped 2024, full FOV 2023 process, crop
  15. Yes, a manual slew each time. I eyeball a surface feature near the edge I'm moving towards, then slew till it's in the equivalent position on the other side. This gives me plenty of overlap for ICE to align the segments. You can see the overlap in these folder thumbnails
  16. Thank you! I was amazed that my seeing held up as well as it did for the mosaic. I looks forward to seeing your rendition, Mike!
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