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Posts posted by MarsG76

  1. On 19/02/2020 at 02:45, Endolf said:

    My first attempt, taken on the 6th Feb, the first night I got my new mount up and running, the first time I managed to photograph a DSO. I only managed 10x120s subs before the clouds came over. My girlfriends Canon 1000D, my old (I've had it at least 20 years) Orion Optics Europa 150 f/5. I was unable to focus the camera in prime focus setup, so I was using eyepiece projection with a 38mm ep. M42 was only about 30 degrees above the horizon, bortle 6 skies according to the map I've found, and it was quite close to a very bright moon. My first attempts at processing were horrible, this isn't much better, but I did finally persuade ASTAP to stack 8 out of the 10 subs. I've never done any photo processing before, so it's all a learning curve. I didn't take any darks that evening, but I took some a few days later sat in my lounge, much warmer camera, but it did make a bit of a difference. Next time I'll know to take darks at least.

    I've changed the setup now so I have the end from an old barlow lense on a shorter nosepiece for the DSLR, just got to wait for some clear skies now to see what I can manage.


    Awesome.. reminds me of what my 1st M42 look like...


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  2. Hi All,

    Sharing my latest image, the Colliding Galaxies, NGC2207 and IC2163, in Canis Major.

    I imaged this at 2032mm, f10 on my 8" SCT and still it is very small in the frame but the actual collision is visible.

    Used the cooled 40D DSLR and exposed 600, 300 and 150 second subs, to make this image, total exposure was 5 hours 49 minutes and 30 seconds.

    Clear Skies,




    • Like 11
  3. 19 hours ago, Nigella Bryant said:

    Thanks Mars, I not proficient in wiring, would have to pick your brains

    Of course, Any time...

    its worth noting that this "heat ring" cost me about $1.50 to make.

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  4. Just now, MarsG76 said:

    I made one of these and put it around the CS lens... powered by  a low power 12V power pack... this has solved my dew problem 100%, never had dew since installing this and the heat generated isn't so great that it causes any distortion or adverse side effects.


    Wired in parallel.

  5. I made one of these and put it around the CS lens... powered by  a low power 12V power pack... this has solved my dew problem 100%, never had dew since installing this and the heat generated isn't so great that it causes any distortion or adverse side effects.


  6. Do you have any issues with condensation. I found that condensation fogged out the view very quickly on most nights... I made a resistor based heater ring and placed that inside the dome which solved my condensation problem


  7. 12 minutes ago, carastro said:

    Didn't realise it was due to what amounts as vandalism, I had been reading it was because of such a long period of drought.  Likely due to both.


    Not completely... look up the stories that were very quickly taken down by the "ABC" regarding this, they need to save face... Ahh the media never lets the complete truth get in the way of a good (semi fictional) story that panders to the current fashion trend that they believe will sell. Take what you hear on MSM with a grain of salt.... 

    yes, we are in a drought and it doesn't help, hence the back burning being necessary during winter.. after all this is Australia and the drought is cyclical, and we are one of, if not the, driest continent on the planet... in the next 5 years it'll be wet summers again... seen it happen over and over again...


  8. Solid rain is not on the horizon again... it rained for a bit, and we thought that perhaps this will be a good down pour but it stopped and again it's hazy, foggy and dry....

    These fires are getting out of hand, but even though Australia burns every year as a lot of the vegetation needs fires to spread, this year is particularly bad because of a group of dole bludging parasites protesting against back burning (something the Aboriginal people did to control the fires for thousands of years) because it, and I quote, "Will put too much CO2 into the atmosphere"... that action certainly saved CO2 getting into the atmosphere!!!... they are responsible for the loss of life and property that resulted.

    The government should have never folded to a group of people who contribute nothing (and their actions are obviously disasterous), hopefully this will be a lesson learned and this will make those groups blocking roads a act of terrorism, vandalism or illegal by what ever title... and we will never see a repeat of this again...

    There are a lot of angry people pointing fingers at those types...

    Any way... the forcast shows 30% chance of rain on Saturday & Sunday.... we're here hoping that it's 100% and a down pour. 

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