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Posts posted by MarsG76

  1. Hello all,

    Sharing with you my quickie exposure... The Trifid nebula, aka M20 or NGC 6514, a popular and bright nebula about 4300 light years away in the constellation Sagittarius.

    I had no plans for another object after imaging the "War and Peace" nebula and I didn't want to waste a clear night, so I pointed the scope at M20 and started exposing.

    This image was taken through my Celestron 8" SCT on the CGEM at f6.3 using a cooled and astro-modded DSLR.



    RGB subs: 6x60s, 5x120s, 5x180s, 5x240s, 4x300s

    HII subs: 10x600s

    OIII subs: 9x600s

    Total Time: 04hr 21min.


    Most of this image is natural color because I only used 10% of the HII and OIII stack to emphesize the detail in the red and blue hues.


    Clear Skies,




    M20 H2RGBO3 F63 23June2020 Frm.jpg

    • Like 7
  2. On 19/06/2020 at 21:23, MartinB said:

    Well done on getting the camera so well sorted.  It's all looking very promising.  I thought the colour looked a bit odd at first but then saw that this is an Ha SII mix!  Never seen this before.  I think it will really come alive with the addition of OIII.

    It almost looks like a photographic negative, but I think that the pale look is almost fitting for something called "War & Peace"...

  3. Hi Astronomers,

    Sharing with you my latest image of NGC 6357 in the constellation Scorpius near the better known NGC 6334, AKA the "Cat's Paw" or "Bear Paw" nebula. This nebula was also given the name War and Peace Nebula because of its appearance in infrared images, the bright western part resembles a dove and the eastern part looks like a skull.

    This photo was taken through my Celestron 8" SCT at f6.3 (1280mm focal length), tracked on a CGEM and exposed using my full spectrum modded and cooled Canon 40D DSLR.

    This image was a bit of an experiment to see how much improvement in noise and sensitivity will be in my long exposed subs after I redesigned the cooling system on my DSLR.. now the sensor temperature was kept at freezing point.
    When uncooled the sensor temperature was around 27°-32°C and the first version of the cooling system only cooled and kept the sensor temperature at +/- 1°C of ambience... now with the redesigned cooler, I had the temperature drop to -5°C (from 18°C ambient temp) during test and set the controller to stop cooling at 0°C and start cooling at 1°C when imaging this object. 

    The improvement in subs was substantial, 1800 second ISO1600 subs had almost no noise, only few pure white single pixels of noise within the subs, easily removed with single pixel noise reduction, so I'm more than happy with how my 40D is cooled and the subs it's delivering.

    This image consists of only my SII and HAlpha subs so it is still a work in progress as I still need to expose the OIII subs to add to the SII and HAlpha frames.

    The was I assembled the channels was by using the red channel in SII as RED, red channel in HAlpha as GREEN and a added combination of the faint signal captured in both blue channels of SII and HAlpha (Hbeta signal) as BLUE.

    Clear Skies,



    NGC6357 S2HaHb F6 24May15Jun2020 Frm.jpg

    • Like 6
  4. 8 hours ago, R1k said:

    My first ever DSO!

    M101 with a very cheap (£30) Canon 75-300mm kit lens at 300mm f5.6 mounted on a HEQ5 pro.

    Date: 14/6/2020

    Lights: 28 x 90sec, ISO 800

    Darks: 16

    Bias: 60

    Flats: Nil


    Stacked in DSS and processed in PS CS6


    Lots of faff to get this one, first polar aligned to a pseudo-polaris, then star aligned to a pseudo-arcturus, must’ve been around an hour of messing around before data capture, must continue to practice! 


    Happy to receive feedback. If anyone wants to have a go with the data, I’m happy to email across the stacked TIF.




    excellent 1st DSO... runs rings all over my first DSO....

    • Like 2
  5. On 07/06/2020 at 00:03, MartinB said:

    Some lovely detail in that image MG

    Thank you.. I find it hard to get the crispness I'm after when imaging at this scale.. 1280mm (or 2032mm) focal length need impeccable seeing and atmospheric stillness to get crisp subs.... the best guiding accuracy that I have ever seen on my mount was 0.38" but this image was around the 1" mark...



  6. 7 hours ago, Paul M said:


    There is no harm in trying. But what a way for those poor, travel weary photons to end their cosmic journey; in my imaging train. They'll be thinking: "Really? We came all this way to be tortured ?!" 🤣

    totrured??? or perhaps massaged into an image....

    • Haha 1
  7. If some claim to have seen it with big dobs than it's not just radio and X ray and definitely possible to image... but if only radio or xray make up the jets than I'd have my doubts... but there's only one way to find out..

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