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Posts posted by MarsG76

  1. 4 hours ago, JimT said:

    You hit the nail on the head there brown Dwarf, I posted photos of my equipment and observatory a few months back after using my phone to take the photos and someone on here downloaded the photos and sent me my address in a message, was not a happy bunny.  That is all now changed and security upgraded.


    Major security breach...

    astronomy forums are great for thieves to go target hunting... we all love to show off, not just, our photos, experiences at the eye piece but also our hard worked for gear we acquired over time...

    all a thief needs to do is wait for a slip up where they get a few gps coords, note down few  user profile names and wait until a user posts something like "I'm going to the south of France for a week to some dark skies. I can't take my proper Astro gear due to weight restrictions so I can only take my portable..." and JACKPOT... user darkmatter at coords 48.0673299 12.8633177 is giving me a week to harvest his gear for my addiction hit..

    the user comes back from his France holiday to keep repeating the coords location name...

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/13/2011 at 20:57, cgarry said:

    One good idea is not to post your exact long and lat on this forum along with a list of all your expensive kit.




    On 7/13/2011 at 21:10, Psychobilly said:

    Another good one maybe not go into too much detail of what "measures" you have installed :D



    Another option is to connect a 20kV high volt transformer output to the handle... please allow the intruder to complete that circuit... ;-)

    • Like 1
  3. On 8/28/2017 at 01:15, DavidR100 said:

    I took this photo of northern Sagittarius with my Canon on 24th July, which was when I saw M7 for the first time in the UK.  It shows 11 Messiers - can you spot them all?  The "answers" are in the image below it.




    That's 10% of the whole Messier catalogue in one relatively narrow field of view.  I guess that's what comes from looking pretty much through the centre of the galaxy.

    Photo taken with a Canon 500D, 50mm, f/1.7, ISO 3200, 8 secs.

    10%!!!! Sagittarius is just greedy, seems like a disproportionate amount of M objects for it's self....


    • Like 1
  4. On 2/4/2016 at 10:33, Moonshane said:

    I have a caravan and space is at a premium so I bought this little Meade 80mm triplet apo for this purpose.  Since paid more for the focuser and rings but what can I say, it's worth it.

    In the box is squeezed a Lunt wedge and filters,  solar and two optical finders, a 2" diagonal,  Oiii and UHC filters plus 24mm, 15mm Panoptics plus Barlow element and a Nagler 6-3mm zoom.  Along with my Giro iii this gives me a few options for quick sessions.  Let's see other solutions :0)






    Nice compact kit.... very neat.


    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Dave In Vermont said:

    The 'giant cat' didn't eat 'em. It was the nasty ol' terrapin!




    Dave - (hoping he has a full bottle, too!)

    Ah of course... lucky that the earth is flat and all of that pink sky glow is at the bottom... no wait.. I'm sire I see sky glow, sky glow everywhere... this map might be upside down...


    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Dave In Vermont said:

    If you read garbage from the F.E.S. you risk sharing something in common with them - the need to wear the same uniforms:




    These dolts seem to be making huge social gains in this country (USA). I think it may be some new virus that escaped from someone's lab. Perhaps I'll write a letter to the newspaper here - and to my senators - proposing a funded study be conducted.....

    While I let this idea rattle about my mind - not unlike the brains of a flat-Earther stuffed-up a gnat's backsides - I'll let the following suffice...





    HA HA, yeah, with every generation I think DNA is more and more corrupt... with each generation IQ drops by a few to a few dozen points.


  7. 14 hours ago, johnfosteruk said:

    Also, that Flat Earth Society page is hilarious. I've just been having a look. I saw that someone said this:

    Here's the biggest red flag. Do you know why no one has ever circumnavigate the poles.... Start at the North Pole and stay on the same meridian past the South Pole and back to north pole. East to west has been done. How come no one has tried to top that and circle navigate the poles.?????? Because it's physically impossible. There you go. It's not a globe


    I simply had to reply, I know I won't change their minds, many have tried on the inevitable discussion that followed, however I thought I'd have a laugh:

    Someone may have already pointed this out but I haven't got the stamina to read all this stubborn refusal to accept peer reviewed science so here we go. In your original post you acknowledge that east-west circumnavigation has been done. Think about that for a moment. That part of your statement seems to indicate that you accept that It's joined up around the east-west axis (see what I'm doing here, it's logic and reasoning). However you don't accept that it's joined up around the north-south axis. THEREFORE, the Earth must be a cylinder. Change the name of this page to The Cylindrical Earth Society immediately.

    Oh John, be careful... looks like you have started the slow decent into being roped into their idiocracy.... you wont be the same at the other end... most likely your opinion of human intellect will be severely damaged... even if its regarding a extremely small minority'o'morons....

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 19 hours ago, SilverAstro said:

    In case I am in danger of upsetting the Hubble team, I crossed out 'figured' in ref to it being superbly well figured to completely the wrong profile. Yea, I know, tediously old joke, I plead rain-on-the-brain malady.


    Just don't say that the Hubble is flat... oh man.....


    • Like 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:



    You forgot gale-force winds, hailstones the size of eggs, thunder, lightning, and freak tornadoes

    I'm not a pessimist at all







    1 hour ago, xtreemchaos said:

    cloud ! :icon_biggrin:... charl.


    1 hour ago, triton1 said:

    And rain......⚡️


    35 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:



    You forgot gale-force winds, hailstones the size of eggs, thunder, lightning, and freak tornadoes

    I'm not a pessimist at all






    I'm thinking it'll be very clear, crystal transparency and seeing and everything will work beautifully, perfect exposures, perfect tracking... and as you think everything is nice and sweet, you go inside and let the gear do it's thing, just knowing that tonight will be your best image to date... you fall asleep, waking up to cloud, rain and the above mentioned to a drenched scope resembling more a aquarium than a telescope.... now I'm not a pessimist at all even more, michael.h.f.wilkinson.. he he


    I think it'll be fine, perhaps a few teething issues, but fine and rewarding.


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