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Posts posted by MarsG76

  1. Fantastic image... I was out observing Saturn with my 14" dob during the night of opposition and noticed the brighter rings in the FOV.... awesome sight... I did't image because I was exposing on a seyfert galaxy during the previous and that night and didn't want to change the setup.. but fantastic had views etched into my memory.  

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  2. 16 minutes ago, John said:

    You could try less magnification - 450x is a heck of a lot even on the moon and only under the very best seeing conditions and with the scope collimation absolutely spot on will it result in sharp views. With my 12" F/5.3 dob I often get my sharpest views of the moon at around 280x - 320x. Occasionally I can go a little further and still get a sharp view but most of the time things get softer above that sort of magnification, rather than sharper.


    I agree...


  3. On 25/05/2019 at 22:36, petevasey said:

    My very first DSO (I don't count a couple of wide field  images taken with a film camera then digitised to remove sky glow) was taken with a Quickcam Grayscale webcam afocal on a C8.  Everybody's favourite, NGC 457 - the 'Space Invader' cluster August 2000.  Then I made an adapter and went to prime (cassegrain) focus, M15 and M57.  First galaxy was M31 with a 58 mm camera lens, then M51 afocally on an LX90.  First colour photo was M57 prime focus of the LX90 with a modded Vesta Pro webcam in 2001.

    How things have moved on!  My latest NGC457 was taken in 2014 with a QSI683 on my 10" RC Truss.





    Early images.jpg


    Awesome collection...

  4. 46 minutes ago, Minhlead said:

    Here are my second attempt at DSO. Taken with Sony A7s, Vixen Polaris, Takumar 200mm at F5.6 185 subs (45 mins integration) 15s ISO 3200. I forgot the dark frames so after stacking there are a few dead pixel that show some  red lines on the final photos :(  


    ... very busy and dense with stuff.... love it.

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