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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. From the album: Non-Messier DSOs

    Open cluster in Vulpecula, found by accident while failing to photograph the Veil Nebula.
  2. From the album: Space Oddities

    I believe in the Flat Frame! I have seen the (vignetted) light!
  3. Stub Mandrel

    M27 2

    From the album: Messier Objects

    Colourful version :-)
  4. Stub Mandrel

    M56 crop

    From the album: Messier Objects

    Very faint globular!
  5. From the album: Space Oddities

    It's full of stars...
  6. Try some buttercups, you may need to stop down but the UV pattern should be quite striking.
  7. Stub Mandrel

    New horizon

    From the album: Other

    How very curious...
  8. Stub Mandrel

    M81 Second Attempt

    Inspired by that. What scope?
  9. From the album: Other

    No flies on me!
  10. Stub Mandrel

    Eyepiece 2

    From the album: My Gear

    home made cross hairs
  11. Stub Mandrel

    Eyepiece 1

    From the album: My Gear

    shop-made eyepiece
  12. If it gets you where you want to be, it's the right decision.
  13. Stub Mandrel

    m101 again

    From the album: Messier Objects

    Split channels process then recombine
  14. Stub Mandrel

    m101 flayed

    From the album: Messier Objects

    Created a custom luminance mask
  15. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Messier Objects

    I think it's in there... :-(
  16. Stub Mandrel

    Dumbell Nebula

    From the album: Messier Objects

    The BMW Nebula
  17. Stub Mandrel

    M13 Stacked 3

    From the album: Messier Objects

    My first Globular Cluster
  18. Now don't let's be hasty. Think of all teh hard work you need to put in, wouldn't you be better off binning it? I can provide a suitable bin....
  19. From the album: Lunar

    At full moon
  20. From the album: Space Oddities

    Is this an asteroid?
  21. Stub Mandrel


    The psychadelic planet!
  22. Stub Mandrel

    Saturn 30 June

    From the album: Saturn

    Whoops no IR filter
  23. Stub Mandrel

    Near Lyra

    From the album: Constellations

    test on stars near Lyra
  24. From the album: Messier Objects

    Adjusted version
  25. Stub Mandrel


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