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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Lunar

    Craters in the rugged southern highlands
  2. Stub Mandrel

    Blue Moon

    From the album: Lunar

    The moon, forty-five minutes ago, single frame 1/500 @ iso 110 f 5.9
  3. Stub Mandrel

    Hadley 2

    From the album: Lunar

    50% best frames from 3 AVIs
  4. From the album: Lunar

    Mount Hadley and Hadley Rille are about 1/4 of the way up, the landing site is near where the shadow of the mountains crossed the Rille.
  5. From the album: Lunar

    Close up of part of the previous shot
  6. Stub Mandrel

    New Moon 2

    From the album: Lunar

    New Moon
  7. From the album: Lunar

    Stack of a series iof images from a year ago!
  8. Stub Mandrel

    Moon Slice

    From the album: Lunar

    First try at a surface close up, but the conditions meant it was wobbling like a jelly.
  9. I tried one of those. Initial results were really disappointing with some awful spherical abberation and it was a mission to get it sorted out, but the final results ain't too bad. Still trying to find a 2.4 meter solar filter on eBay so i can do some sunspot pics.
  10. Stub Mandrel

    Frame 1 pipp

    From the album: Jupiter

    First attempt
  11. From the album: Jupiter

    Possibly better?
  12. From the album: Jupiter

    The difference an IR filter makes...
  13. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Jupiter

    Still trying...
  14. Sounds like a 'Browser Helper Object' - a nasty that pops in advertising links on certain keywords.
  15. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Space Oddities

    Just a test to see how sharp my Wecam can resolve a star pair.
  16. Stub Mandrel

    Io And Jupiter

    From the album: Jupiter

    The moon is about to move in front of Jupiter
  17. From the album: Constellations

    I must have taken this about 30 years ago on my old Pentax SP1000 (like a spotmatic, but with 1/1000 shutter) I scanned the slide a few years ago and some basic imaghe processing soon brought out the colours of the stars. It was probably Fujichrome Velvia.
  18. From the album: Jupiter

    19 frames selected manually
  19. From the album: Jupiter

    Focus issues?
  20. Stub Mandrel

    jupiter small

    From the album: Jupiter

    Run with a cheap webcam that has a faster capture speed using USB1
  21. Stub Mandrel

    three moons

    From the album: Jupiter

    An experiment with the 76mm Bresser from Aldi.
  22. Stub Mandrel

    Io Transit

    From the album: Jupiter

    Seems to be a better result from a dodgier set of video?
  23. Stub Mandrel

    Transit Of Io

    From the album: Jupiter

    Toned down teh centre as recommended
  24. Stub Mandrel

    Transit Of Io

    From the album: Jupiter

    I think we are starting to get somewhere?
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