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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Stub Mandrel

    Two minutes

    From the album: Jupiter

    best I can do ?
  2. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Jupiter

    Gamma turned up to 'prove' details
  3. Stub Mandrel

    Io shadow 3

    From the album: Jupiter

    Io shadow and GRS
  4. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Venus

    Not sure this has moved me on at all?
  5. Stub Mandrel

    Io shadow 2

    From the album: Jupiter

    Latest try at Jupiter, with GRS and Io's shadow., It MAY be that a slightly bright patch to the right of the GRS is Io or I may be fooling myself...
  6. From the album: Solar

    Five images aligned and stacked
  7. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Solar

    This morning using a fog filter
  8. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Solar

    This morning using a fog filter
  9. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Solar

    This morning using a fog filter
  10. Stub Mandrel

    Saturn Cassini

    From the album: Saturn

  11. From the album: Jupiter

    An earlier image,reprocessed - still way from perfect, but I think teh faults are now with my original image, not the processing.
  12. Stub Mandrel

    Venus 2

    From the album: Venus

    Processed to within an inch of its life...
  13. From the album: Jupiter

    Tweaked with Corel Photo Paint
  14. Stub Mandrel

    Venus 1

    From the album: Venus

    First attempt at Venus
  15. Stub Mandrel

    Red Spot

    From the album: Jupiter

    Roughly 15 minutes of video, in 20-second chunks.
  16. From the album: Jupiter

    Furher attention, including RGB align
  17. From the album: Jupiter

    Same set of frames as previous, but staccked and processed in registax alone
  18. From the album: Jupiter

    Stacked in Autostakkert then wavelets in Registax
  19. From the album: Jupiter

    This was only from about 200 frames can you see the triangular artefact on the right?
  20. From the album: Jupiter

    This was prepared from rather fewer farmes, but I may have had slightly better camera settings & focus
  21. From the album: Jupiter

    This was prepared from the 25% best frames of 12 50-100 frame videos.
  22. This is exactly what I have been looking for. Much more usable than the MET Office's cloud forexcast map.
  23. From the album: Planets

    Again, not bad for a bridgecamera, but i need to learn more about wavelets!
  24. From the album: Planets

    Not bad for a bridge camera, methinks.
  25. Stub Mandrel

    Saturn Stacked

    From the album: Planets

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