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Space Cowboy

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Posts posted by Space Cowboy

  1. 1 hour ago, si@nite said:

    Hi Stuart, a lovely shot despite the conditions, great to see you posting again , youve not lost your touch! 

    Cheers Simon! Cold, tired and frustrated last night.....just like the good old days 😉

    Using batteries 5 years past their use by date is not recommended for collimating a newt! Especially when you've only got one left and the laser needs 3! 

    Having said that I might be able to salvage something better out of this solo capture.....

  2. 6 hours ago, geoflewis said:

    No, just around the planet with a bit to spare, so I'll try increasing that. There are so many variables to consider aren't there.....🤷‍♂️


    Though in truth with the ADC there's really no RGB alignment to be done - it barely makes any difference

    Yes in theory the ADC should correct that but it's not 100% reliable.


    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

    Are you using RGB align in AS3! or Registax? I always do mine in Registax. I've also never changed the ROI box size in AS3! (didn't realsise that you could...🙄, but now see that you can :thumbright:)

    Yes i use registax to rgb align. Yes your image looks the same. Are you taking the rgb align box to the outer edge of the image frame?

    At least you now know how to increase your crop sizes 😊

  4. 54 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

    Hmmm, I don't know how to do that. I didn't run these SERs through PIPP. Let's see if I can work out how to do that....🤔


    So I think I've worked out how to increase the ROI in PIPP, so took it from 300x300 to 448x448, but boy that doesn't half increase the file size a lot - it went from 6Gb to 42GB, which is huge.....😱

    Ok figured out whats caused it in my case and it is the tight box size but its the rgb align thats causing the issue.  Just increasing the box size in as3 before stacking is all it needs.  

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  5. 2 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

    That’s definitely an interested thought, thanks. Maybe I should try a more generous capture ROI….🤔

    I would imagine you could increase the ROI in pipp to see if it makes any difference on these captures?

    • Like 1
  6. 42 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

    That’s an interesting question Stuart, could you amplify your thinking please? I haven’t cropped before stacking, just took the SER straight into AS3!, but I do set a pretty tight ROI in FireCapture. Why do you think that a tight crop, or ROI might give a yellow limb hue?

    I'm guessing it's caused during stacking because the limb is too tight to the capture frame but on the uncropped ser file there was no yellow hue or on one's I'd cropped with a larger box. At first I thought I'd forgotten to RGB align but it wouldn't budge the coloured limb. 


    • Like 1
  7. Just wondered Geof, how tightly do you crop your captures before stacking? I notice there is a yellow hue on your limb. I had a similar effect on a Mars video capture I'd cropped too tightly in pipp. It may be coincidence but thought I'd mention it.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Kon said:

    I have learned a lot and really appreciate the time you took with me. Thursday night is looking good for the opposition, let's see what we can get.

    I enjoyed it, you've got some good data there. Yes looks promising this week. Proper clear nights and high pressure system.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Graham Darke said:

    I only got one 4 minute capture unfortunately. I was using the mount in AZ mode for this but could mount it EQ. 

    Best of both worlds 🙂  You could stay in AZ mode and use derotation of video to correct the field rotation on a 6 min capture though derotation of video is a much longer process (depending on your computer spec). Derotation of images is much quicker but doesn't correct field rotation if the original capture is too long.

    Whichever combination suits you best at the end of the day.

    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, Graham Darke said:

    Thanks Space Cowboy. I’ve never used Winjupos before. Would it help on a single 4 minute capture? 

    If youve got another 4 min capture with similar detail or even 2 or 3 within say 20-30 mins then yes, combining the stacked images in winjupos to derotate the images would make a big difference to what you can do with processing without worrying about introducing noise. Are you using an EQ mount because you could do 6 min captures?

    There are several tutorials on the winjupos website.

    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Kon said:

    I am not sure why in my case was there. I usually shoot 5 min videos but I derotate the image. I have not tried with derogating videos. I have a few sec gaps as i recenter in my manual capture. This is what came out of registax with only 20% wavelets before going into winjupos with the rest of the images. The rind is there. Stacking artefact possibly?


    Would be interesting to see the unsharpened TIFF image straight after AS3!

    I had a play with your image in image analyser. Terrific data youve got there!


    Kostas Mars.png

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  12. 5 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    Thats been my experience too. Extra rind after de rotation

    I'm thinking in my case it was too much field rotation for winjupos to handle on a 12 min video.  Though it was two 6 min vids stitched together. Maybe the few secs gap in-between caused an issue. Did cross my mind if Kostas video also had a gap caused by losing frames in pipp after chip drift frames had been removed but if he's not used video derotation then that's not the case.

  13. 6 hours ago, Kon said:

    Yes from derotated images. I could see some of the limb around after wavelets even on the single images before derotation. I am not sure it is due to our current seeing if it is impacting it more. I am not using an ADC so it could be some of the noise from the 'boiling' effect we have. I noticed in a previous post that when seeing was decent, the limp artefact was less pronounced. Others with more experience here, might be able to comment.

    It's the derotation that's caused the artefact in my case just wondered if yours was the same but if you say it was there before derotation then it's obviously a coincidence. 🙂

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