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Space Cowboy

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Posts posted by Space Cowboy

  1. 16 hours ago, geoflewis said:

    Well I tried, but the seeing was awful and then the clouds rolled in. This is a quick look from the best of the three runs tonight (21/12), well two and a half runs as clouds crashed the last one....


    It's just a blur, so I won't be bothering to take the processing any further. It is best 20k frames, I also tried best 10k and equally as bad....๐Ÿ™„.

    At least I'm back inside in the warm nice and early tonight.... ๐Ÿ˜€


    That's a shame. I did better than the previous night though at a slightly lower alt. Over 100 gigs to sort through.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks Craig.

    Cheers Kostas. I wasn't expecting anything but after missing out last week (frozen up on farm so couldn't get out at night) this was a bonus even though the cloud tried it's best to deny me after being completely clear when I first put the scope out.

    Histo was up and down like an Argentine football supporter but managed to get nearly 5 mins footage.


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  3. 5 hours ago, geoflewis said:

    How about this Stuart.....

    2022-12-12-2056_7-GDL-RGB-Mars_lapl4_ap12_F10000_sharp90_R6(1-1-1-5-35-70)AFP.jpg.9fea4337fbed8ba1ac5a8ef01fd0894f.jpg 2022-12-12-2056_7-GDL-RGB-Mars_lapl4_ap12_F10000_sharp90_R6(1-1-1-20-40-1)AFP.jpg.abd2fca519f445d18a4cc7d7b6eb4d05.jpg

    Quite a bit stronger wavelets used on the left version compared with my original post shown on right for easier comparison. Is it now too much.....?

    Here's a re-work of a single stack from my data on 10 Dec, so no de-rotation in WinJupos, but given similar treatment to the above revision...


    It's how I originally processed it, but decided it was too much, so what do you think of it please?


    Repro looks great Geof! Love the cap definition. Limb rind showing a little on the other nights image so maybe that one not benifitting as much.ย  Top notch for the UK.ย  Most imagers would kill for this data ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 hours ago, geoflewis said:

    Thanks Stuart, are you suggesting that I push a bit harder on this image? I already pushed harder than I thought I should.

    My observatory does have a warm room, with a little fan heater, which I sometimes use if I'm out there shooting DSOs, but I've never automated my planetary imaging. I sit next to the mount to use the HC to periodically nudge alignment, plus I don't have a motorised FW, so if doing mono RGB that's a manual change. I'm also using a manual focus controller to the EF, hence I'm sat outside under the stars in freezing conditions, which starts to become pretty unpleasant after a couple of hours at sub 0C, despite me wearing thermals and several layers on top...... ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ

    Definitely can push more on thisย  (said the midwife). Very responsive to selective contrast/sharpening. Your best Mars image to date I reckon.

    Sounds very swish in your Observatory ๐Ÿ˜‰ I too have a warm room (pop up toilet tent) ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  5. 12 hours ago, Rob said:

    Nice!... I've been out these last few nights. Its been so cold with air frost also.. that can soften it. Been -6 by night down here.


    Best image I ever got was on Jupiter Dec 2010 at minus 15 Celsius so that's the only aspect I'm not blaming ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. 5 hours ago, si@nite said:

    Hi Stuart, after down loading both images for comparison looks like you have pulled out a little more, however can see collimation or conditions were probably a factor as it was with my post on the 7th, sometimes thin cloud ive found can produce a softer image!

    Thanks Simon. I've forgotten certain things since I've been away from imaging and one is star collimation! Was watching YouTube about collimating the laser (mine is a baader so can't be collimated) and came across star collimation which I'd completely forgotten about.ย 

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