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Space Cowboy

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Posts posted by Space Cowboy

  1. On 06/06/2023 at 06:20, Pete Presland said:

    Really fine images again, good to see you have sorted the artefact out on the colour image.

    Thanks again Pete. I was going to try video derotation to fix the field rotation but it appears that winjupos does not have video derotation  for Venus.

  2. 5 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

    Fabulous images Stuart,  the conditions were very stable over the weekend UK wide it seems. Some really fine details visible in your images, excellent end results !

    Thanks Pete! Best sustained conditions I've ever experienced. Looks like weather is breaking at weekend so I'll be trying every night until then 🙂

  3. 3 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    Superb Stuart.  you guys are just slaying Venus in the UK. Congrats on the amazing results. Stunning comes to mind

    Cheers Neil! You've always been the inspiration. Encouraging me to try Venus and get a UV filter. 🙂

    I've edited the post replacing the false colour image with a colour balanced version.

  4. Thanks Kostas & Neil! I've put up the colour image. As you can see no line on that either.  Also tweaked the colour balance on false colour to take off the blue. Not easy when its in daylight.

    Yep, conditions are what you dream about at the moment. Make hay while the sun shines as they say!

    Ok,  I know whats causing the line. Too much time between UV and colour images in winjupos. . One hour. Tried a later UV and theres no line.

    • Like 1
  5. Super seeing again last night. Super QHY462 mono cam too!

    The artifact on the false colour image is doing my nut! Its not ana alignment point line. I've tried different images combined and its still there. Seems to be something winjupos derot of rgb is doing but why I don't know!


    2023-06-03-1946_1-2023-06-03-1941_4-SJG-L-Ven_pipp_lapl4_ap7 reg analy best.png


    2023-06-03-2048_1-SJG-RGB-Ven_lapl5_ap16 reg analy.png

    2023-06-03-1946_1-SJG-LR(G)B bright reg balance.png

    • Like 9
  6. 29 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

    Happens a lot here actually. Maybe a coastal thing. 

    Never known it clear and stable for such a long period here.

    Hopefully your technical issues don't crop up when things get serious but I can still imagine the frustration at that time in the morning 🙂


  7. 2 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    Lol i wish she blew a bit harder. So she wasn't playing cloud hide and seek 🤣 Hope to get a reasonable one by the time jupiter is up. That's not long trailing behind. 

    Crystal clear here in the west. Seems the east end boys are getting some of the fluffy stuff 😎

  8. 1 hour ago, Kon said:

    Good point on derotation; I will investigate. Saying that, wouldn't PIPP stabilisation deal with that? I always put my captures through PIPP with quality prefiltering.

    I've not heard of Pipp fixing field rotation. I did try it on a solar sequence a few weeks ago and it had no effect on the field rotation. At 50 degrees you're getting a fair bit of field rotation. The better data might show some benefit from derotation. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Kon said:

    Thanks Stuart. Yes very chuffed with the ZWO selection. It gives me confidence on my processing but that image I submitted was under the best conditions I had so far with Venus. 

    I am looking froward to seeing more images from your mono captures.

    There's a lot of skill involved in your imaging before you've even started processing that's for sure.

    I was thinking, considering you are shooting earlier in the day at 50+ degrees have you considered video derotation for the field rotation?

    • Thanks 1
  10. 10 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    Those are just lovely. Right up my street. Not overcooked, Natural subtle, but very fine wispy cloud. Hey wanna trade locations ill throw in a laser


    Thanks Neil. Basically I used the same wavelets as I would on Jupiter or Mars. Fine gaussian rather than the sledgehammer dyadic. 

    I was having to use a Laser cannon on the noise with the old cam lol

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    • Haha 1
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