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Space Cowboy

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Posts posted by Space Cowboy

  1. 5 hours ago, neiil phillips said:

    Looking good Stuart. Its a pleasing result mixing UV into IR for colour.  I like this balance.

    Personally I am not sure there is a correct colour balance for this kind of thing.  As I am unsure if it can even be calibrated for at capture.  Of course weights can be adjusted after the fact. But not sure that could be seen as true calibration. So what ever balance one chooses or prefers after capture is likely just for its pleasing effect.

    Not sure there could be a true standard. In visible light. Created from spectrums outside of visible light. Really only useful for aesthetic purposes. But that's the nature of invisible wavelengths as we only really get to see a portion of the red and blue that's inherent  in IR UV wavelengths 

    So under interpretation if ever I've seen it 


    Thanks Neil. It's good to hear people's opinions as there is no set rule with Venus.

    As Kostas said the IR was burning through on the first image. To be fair the IR is only providing colour on this as seeing and elevation had nosedived for the IR shots.

    Next time I'll use my old Windows 10 laptop with the qhy mono as the cam's drivers don't support windows 11. Had it running at full speed using FC v2.4 on win 10.





  2. 22 hours ago, Kon said:

    I meant more the edges. Although winjupos will be fine, the UV at least in my processing is a bit less sharp than the IR and harder to align correctly. The green will probably help with colour balance. Saying that your colour looks very nice.

    Used a less sharpened IR for this version :



    2023-04-07-2021_2-SJG-IR-Ven_lapl5_ap4 less.png

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Kon said:

    I meant more the edges. Although winjupos will be fine, the UV at least in my processing is a bit less sharp than the IR and harder to align correctly. The green will probably help with colour balance. Saying that your colour looks very nice.

    It's all very experimental at the moment. The IR was taken through an apple tree with a floppy filter which has now been secured with an O ring.

    QHY in their wisdom provided unmounted filters with the QHY5-iii-585 so I've had to butcher one of my own cells and transplant the filter which is thinner glass hence the O ring to secure. 🙂

    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Kon said:

    That's a nice image with nice cloud details.

    If I were you, I would try align the IR layer more to the left to avoid the red fringing. I think that's a result of a less sharp UV edge. I see that with my captures too.

    I noticed you do not have a synthetic green as others usually do, including me. A reason for this?

    Thanks Kostas. The measurement in winjupos may have been slightly off for the IR.

    Didn't know I needed a synthetic green 🙂 

  5. 16 hours ago, Kon said:

    Nice set of images Stuart. The 25% stack seems sharper.

    Thanks Kostas! Yes the other one is 75% stacked. So few frames to play with. I know this cam is capable of much more.  Problem with Venus is there's no real reference image as the cloud patterns constantly change.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

    Second looks less smeared to me. Sharper structure. Looking pretty good if you ask me. Especially with the problems you mention.

    Wish i could have a go but can only get on it after its cleared a tree. By which point its getting low. Will have to wait for its morning return.

    Thanks Neil. I'm not sure how much to sharpen as its not obvious what is artifacts and what is cloud structure. 

  7. Finally got something half decent to post.  Seeing was better at first and despite issues with my old mono qhy5l-ii only running at only 17fps and 34ms (convinced its a driver issue)  I've got some cloud detail.

    Auto Dob 250 & qhy5l-ii mono + bessel U + 3xtv = f15


    20_14_02_lapl5_ap4 DYADIC ANALY.png

    • Like 4
  8. On 04/04/2023 at 23:20, Kon said:

    Thanks for the kind words. 

    I am very pleased with the camera as with my colour I had to go to 40-60ms too.

    I am not sure why you are struggling to get it below 50ms with the mono. When I had the mono on loan I was getting 9ms easily and I could have gone lower I think.i suppose thin clouds would have an impact, if there were any.

    I suppose the #47+IR cut you have doesn't show the same issue?

    Only got the #47 🙂 I'm convinced it's a camera driver issue. There is no up-to-date driver.  I'll try it with sharpcap next time.

    Clear tonight  👍

  9. 11 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

    And learn how to hold back again. As i said should have sat closer i can see it more. I did it lying down 3 feet away. bad choice lol. i will re adjust at at some point. just fun playing with data again

    Classic mistake is sharpening whilst lying down. To be fair most of my images look better 3 feet away!  😜

    This looks like the one you won a prize with on the imaging challenge? Get that seeing at over 50 degrees with the 12" mirror and they'll be dancing in the streets of Suffolk, Mississippi 😁



  10. 2 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    Glad to hear its improved the images. Solar yes. Its a great function. the real guessing game. Is how many to keep. How many to throw. don't want to throw to many. Or have too many bad frames running along. Its a guess. I was doing a quality keep of 4000 from 10.000. Reason i saved so many is to allow Pipp to make mistakes. and not throw too many good useable frames away. Until AS/3 sees them. Then i am stricter

    I am doing a random Jupiter from last year. stabilize pipp before doing video derotation winjupos. Then once all frames are still  ( pipp ) and derotated ( winjupos ) back on to pipp. for a quality sort. And  slimming down of bad frames.  I prefer not to quality sort, before derotation. As i don't want to mess up the time frame. Not sure if it does or not. But wont take the risk. It takes longer of course. Even with a Ryzen 7.

    8 cores  running its fairly slow. about 30 mins. But i dont mind.

    Always found Pipp great on planets when there's variable trans though as3 seems to have improved over the years dealing with variable conditions.

    I had to use the limit function on solar shots for as3 to stack properly because of the drift so will be interesting to run those through Pipp first.

    • Like 1
  11. 16 hours ago, neil phillips said:

    Yeah just the same. The stabilize function will cause lost black data on the edges, which i crop off on ser player  before  putting it back on  for a quality estimation. It can be done in one go. But i would have thought you may get a better quality estimation without black edge bars jumping around. hence cropping on ser player tools before re running back on pipp for a quality estimation 

    Tried it last night and it certainly makes a big difference to fine detail with tiny craters showing up. I bet it works for Solar too.👍

  12. 1 hour ago, neil phillips said:

    Yeah i noticed that. don't expect to see it that often with that lighting and only 1500mm but your right can see it as it finishes to the right. 

    The pipp trick is to stabilize, get rid of all the movement. Do a quality sort, throw away most of the offenders before it hits AS/3 makes sense if you think about it. 

    Yeah i think its performing rather nicely, cheers bud. Roll on Jupiter. Waiting for Jupiter. My goal now is to get this beast on the moon when its high under good shadow and good seeing. Don't think its showed its worth quite yet, just a feeling. 

    I see so Pipp works the same as on planets.  

    You're certainly looking in good shape for Jupiter 😉

  13. 55 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

    Its been  while 10 years damn. congrats on breaking the Ice and a nice mosaic. You guys with the big chips it took me 14 panes the other day. At 1500 MM FL 

    Thanks Neil I've just looked again at the mosaic and 2 panes does the job so didn't need the 3rd! If my mathes are correct that means 6 for f15 or 3600mm 💪

  14. First colour lunar ive done in about 10 years and its with the new qhy5-iii-585c.

    I didn't set the colour balance correctly during capture so its rather a blue moon. Few crater burns too but pleased with the early results considering seeing was awful.

    Taken with Auto Dob 250 at prime focus for the 3 pane mosaic full disc and 3x tv for f15 on Plato.



    2023-04-02-2031_7-SJG-L-Moon_limit000000-001000_lapl5_ap575 reg analy acb.png

    2023-04-02-2021_1-SJG-L-Moon_lapl5_ap758 analy domain.png

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