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Posts posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. If you buy a 'new' printer at a low price, you may be sorely disappointed, especially if it will be you first printer.

    Try to find a second hand machine, from a 'known' manufacturer, e.g. Wanhao\Creality\Tronxy, who create workable machines & with some enhancements can produce excellent results.

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  2. I won't ever frequent Jewson again after they tried to charge 3 times the Wickes price, for 75x75 fence post, it wasn't even tanalised. Jewson really only want to deal with tradesmen who can offset the higher prices to their clients.

    Wickes isn't always the best quality, but if you have the time to search through the store items, you usually get what your after....

  3. Nope, its still the same. The BIOS is always the initial starting point. There are newer types of Bios, but until the hardware has a basic config that can 'read' a boot device, no computer will do anything. 

    As for a simple tool to write the ISO file to a usb, download & install Etcher from resin.io. It's a 3 step process, select image, select drive, flash drive....

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  4. Yeah, its the CRC checksum....  You 'should' do it for all large file downloads, and its not just a Linux thing. I have to do it when downloading some Windows server patches\updates etc....

    Now, do you have the tools to burn the ISO file to a bootable cd\dvd ?? from which you can then do the install  ?

  5. I've not tried or even closely looked into running MinWin on even Win10 IoT core.

    These are very cut down versions of windows targeted at doing specific jobs, but they are rumoured to be able to do most things their big brother can, and will run on non-Intel platforms. Even if it was just able to act as DSLR camera client to the Indi master server, then it may  be worth looking at, but I suspect that it wouldn't work as most of the graphics sub system is missing...

  6. Yeah, DSLR's use GPhoto which is a generic driver, which is trying to be all things to all DSLR cameras, not a good solution, unless your camera happens to fit....

    The ZWO support, on the other hand, is very good, & when I've had the chance to connect everything together, all has worked flawlessly.


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  7. Ubuntu Mate on the Rock, but I'm not using a DSLR, but ASI1600MM & 120MM cameras. It's a real frig switching stuff around at the mo when the weather is soooo good & I've got everything setup on my garden pier & working fine (its a Win10\SGPro\PHD2 etc.) 

  8. Yes it runs everything, including Kstars, which means I only need to Xrdp to the system to control & run, so that I only need to run power & network to the mount....

    The picture shows the 64 on the right and its 250GB disk (for picture temp storage) next to it, then a USB3 hub.

    I found a neat mounting solution on Thingiverse, where all the items are fitted to individual carriers onto a standard  DIN rail (the rail found in fuse boxes etc.) which I'm finding a lot easier to mount & test before fitting into its final enclosure.


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