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Posts posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. I was finding that the bed would 'droop' front to back and give some jerky movements. So I ordered another bed cross beam (as per the back one) and fitted it up with 3-way Delrin wheels etc. Stripped the whole lot down & made sure the bed framework ran true & 'clean' top to bottom, then with the motors re-connected & using Ooznest's anti-backlash nuts, I don't get the bed sinking unless I push down hard. 


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  2. Hi Kevin,

    I'll post some pics later when I get home (there are some in another thread, but I can't find them at the mo), but the hole was 1.5 meters into the ground (2 meter duct).

    I drilled some holes into the side and pushed some re-bar through to anchor it in place while I filled in, and around, the duct..

    The reason for the additional duct was to ensure that there was no possibility of the OTA\weights etc. hitting the pier....




  3. Hi Kevin,

    I also used air-con ducting, the 280mm diameter you are using, together with some 150mm duct, placed centrally inside the larger & all filled with concrete.

    Using a ground auger, I sank both tubes into the into the ground, leaving approx 700mm above ground, onto which I've then mounted control power supply, PC's etc...


  4. I used to have a large Mendel variant but found it was too wobbly, and the D-Bot ticked all the right boxes for strength & rigidity, so I'm re-using the 300x300 bed, motors, Rumba control etc.


    One thing I'm still not too sure on though, is the slope back to front of the bed & the reliance of the Z lead screws to keep things level (I'm using auto bed levelling, so I want it to start off level).

  5. I'm in the process of putting one of these together & I've found that the 'stock' 4 wheel Y & Z printed carriages, wouldn't allow correct alignment correct running etc. So I've tried the 2, 3-wheeled versions http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1802733http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1930200 (V2) & these work a treat....

    Also a good source of some info is MavericCCIE's build on Openbuilds http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/d-bot-with-mods.4685/



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  6. I think another Gina project coming on....

    I bought one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/445nm-2-5W-2500mW-Blue-Laser-Module-With-Heatsink-For-DIY-Laser-Cutter-Engraver-/322497845897?hash=item4b165e9a89 then together with a Mostly Printed CNC machine (https://www.vicious1.com/assembly/ & http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:790533) but obviously any machine that can move X & Y (Z movement to achieve fine focus), can be used.

    Control of the laser is done with the 'hot-end cooling fan' control, 10% to switch it on & 100% to cut...


  7. The Arduino on its own cannot drive anyform of motor, that's why the 'Arduino' part is usually made up from an Arduino Nano plus a motor driver module e.g. DRV8825, and some other components e.g. power connector etc...

     I mount mine in a custom 'black box' and can move it between various OTA's\Motors, so to answer your question, build the right one and you can re-deploy as required..

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