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Status Updates posted by AstroGZ

  1. Would love to see the eclipse tonight, but I stupidly went for a long cycle today and feel totally knackered.

  2. Rain virtually horizontal outside at the moment!

  3. The joys of autoguiding......

    1. Gutross


      does not sound too promissing if that was where you trailed off

  4. Week off of Sixth Form, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE CLEAR!

    1. ronin


      It will be clear so don't panic. However it may not be clear where you are. But somewhere it will be clear.

    2. Gutross
  5. Exams are over!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AstroGZ


      Judging by the way you describe your job I would rather sit the exams!

    3. Uranium235


      Heh :) Wouldnt be so bad if we had one big hall, but we were running 28 rooms at the same time.... logistical nightmare! Worked out ok so far (got a good team), bar the odd blip (students asleep, tears etc..), thats where words of motivation and encouragement come in handy.

    4. Uranium235


      Still... I love my job, never the same day twice :)

  6. 6 AS exams this week :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      May the force be with you :-)

    3. Superdavo


      I feel your pain... I've got four (though I did one of them today). I think that as long as you revise enough, it should be ok. (Fingers crossed!)

    4. AstroGZ


      Thanks for your comments. Good luck to you Superdavo too!

  7. Really want to go out for a while tonight as clear sky forecast, but have an AS Genral Studies exam in the afternoon. Descisions, descisions!

    1. ronin


      No decision at all. You work for the exam, muck that up and penalties are more then most realise, the sky will be there for the next few million years and in that time one night should be clear.

    2. AstroGZ


      Thought the same and didn't go out. Why do they do exams in the clear summer months and not in the wet, miserable winter!!!!

  8. AS Exams start tomorrow :-(

  9. A clear sky? What is this madness!?

  10. Very sad to hear of Astronomia ceasing trading.

  11. Do wish the forecast would make up its mind for Friday!

    1. ronin


      Just checked 3 different ones and it is either 100% cloud, 100% clear or cloud-clear-cloud-clear in 2 hour spells. Set the alarm I think and check via the window seems best.

  12. Forecast showing a few clear hours this evening.......

  13. PHD really not plaiying ball at the moment!

  14. Seriously starting to get fed up with this weather.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mickmurphy


      yea i no how you feel not had my scope out for ages

    3. ghostdance


      What's a 'scope'?

      Ohhhh....that! I remember that! I've got one somewhere... :D

    4. jabeoo1


      This is nothing....wait until the 1000 grim winters start !

  15. Just got back from a great weekend at the Herstmonceux Astronomy Festival, two nights of clear (ish) skies and great company!

  16. Packing up the car and caravan for the Herstmonceux festival tomorrow. Hopefully won't forget anything!

  17. One week until the Herstmonceaux Astronomy Festival 2014!

  18. Two weeks until the Herstmonceaux Astronomy Festival 2014!

  19. No more GCSE results nerves!! Good luck to everyone else getting your results today.

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Hope it went well. My daughter did well. Proud Dad :-)

  20. Lovely clear sky last night but equipment did not want to play ball

  21. Is UK Astro buy and sell down or is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hobsey


      How strange, I just tried again and still managed to get on.

    3. AstroGZ


      Fine now, can get on to it with no problems.

    4. daz


      You are better off posting in the main forums, not using your status as a conversation medium ;)

  22. Clear sky but work in the morning :-(

  23. Finally a clear sky!!!!!

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