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Status Replies posted by Marky1973

  1. Finger slipped....and I seem to have ordered an Atik Horizon......

    1. Marky1973


      Ha! Yes indeed - arrived today.....clouds...... ?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. wow just had a earthqwake here is south wales, it nearly chucked me outa my chair, its the biggist ive ever felt in the uk. no damage I can see, did anyone else feel it. charl

    1. Marky1973


      Just the last thing I thought it would be....kids are angry because they missed it as they are physically incapable of being quiet! ?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. wow just had a earthqwake here is south wales, it nearly chucked me outa my chair, its the biggist ive ever felt in the uk. no damage I can see, did anyone else feel it. charl

    1. Marky1973


      Hey Charl, we felt it too in Gloucester....freaky! :-)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...rain...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud....cloud...cloud...chocolate...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud

  5. cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...rain...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud....cloud...cloud...chocolate...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud...cloud

    1. Marky1973


      So do ! - current forecast suggests two hours clear on Saturday night bewenn 8 and 10!!! and then Sunday morning at 5:00am....11 minutes before sunrise!!! :mad:



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Just spent a lovely hour trying out my new-to-me C9.25 on my new EQ8 mount.  All I can say is WOW,  it is all such an improvement over my old 8" LX200. :icon_biggrin:

    This very happy bunny is off to bed now as I have work in the morning.

    1. Marky1973


      Looking forward to getting mine out when the clouds go - all I've managed since it arrived on Wednesday is aligning the finder during the day and building a dew shield! Impressive and hefty beast though! :-)

  7. Just received this photo by text along with the "What the hell have you bought now?" question. :icon_biggrin: Pity I am not going to be home from work until 7 tonight.... just hope opening the box doesn't negate the potentially clear night we have forecast tomorrow!


    1. Marky1973


      I was hoping to eat BEFORE sitting down to open the box..... :-)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. C9.25 OTA ordered....now to work out how to explain it when it turns up..... Thanks FLO! :-)

    1. Marky1973


      That's my current plan.... :-) "Well, look it WAS this price... but there is a sale on....." she loves a bargain!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. First decent clear night in ages.... Hello Moon! Guess I'll be imaging you tonight then.... :-)

    1. Marky1973


      I'll need to sell a child to pay for the filters! Have an IDAS P2  LPF on the way though so will be out again soon! Not much time tonight in all honesty, so a quick play while I check stuff still works! :-) Although there is some annoying wispy cloud around....

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Getting bored of no darkness and loads of rain.

    1. Marky1973


      One week, just one week.... then the nights start drawing in! :-)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Maybe.. just maybe, the sky will improve enough to get out tonite (looking a little fuzzy @ the mo)

    1. Marky1973


      Hope you got the chance old chap! Forecast here was clear from 10pm to 7am.... shame the sky didn't agree. Not too disappointed as the moon was bright and there are so few hours of real darkness these days... think I might have to retire for a month or two from imaging and practice my processing... and maybe get a scope for visual to pass the time! :-)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Note to self - next time I'm imaging the BLUE Channel....remember to change the filter... it was going so well....  :-)

    1. Marky1973


      Yeah, it's your fault for tempting me with it by putting it up for sale! :-)


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

    1. Marky1973


      Yeah and you! I'm nearly finished  - hopefully in bed by 2!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

  15. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

    1. Marky1973


      actually - I just read that doesn't help - left it unplugged for a couple of minutes and it looks more promising - it is cooling now. Very odd - don't need that to happen every time I try to take some images....worried that it won't warm up properly either - maybe you were right - I need a regulated bench supply! :-)

      Hope you are having more luck than me!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  16. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

    1. Marky1973


      yeah did that, same problem - seen something online that suggests there might be a driver problem - going to download some different drivers and see if that helps.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

    1. Marky1973


      IT seems to be working - the fan is on - but when I select the COOLER function in ARTMIS, it doesn't let me set the temperture, but it is referring to POWER. Or, if I do try to set the temp, it changes for a few seconds and then says "warming up" and now POWER is 18%???

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

  19. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

    1. Marky1973


      if the ATIK didn't just come up with some sort of POWER 29% alarm and then go into warming up mode....

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  20. Guiding Calibration almost done.... ssssshhhhhh......

    1. Marky1973


      had an early night last night to make sure I was ready!

      Just having a go at M13 tonight - going for an hour of Lum (180seconds) and then think I might do 15 mins each RGB binned, just so I can have a play with the data and see how that goes....walk before I can run! Thought a glob cluster would be easy to get some data on! HAve to get up early again tomorrow, so can't be too late! :-)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  21. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      Hi Rob

      Do you mean like the one's Maplin do - or on the FLO site (Although that is not available at the moment)? Power is one of the things next on my list but, again, something I need to look into before I start trying various options. With your bench supply, can you connect several things to one unit- the ones I have seen only have one pair of binding posts. BUt, presuming you have enough AMPs I guess you can run several items if you can connect them all.

      Yeah, hope to get Ha sorted in the next month or two, and was looking at M13 as a possible target to cut my teeth on yesterday when playing around with FOV calculators... so at least I am on the right wavelength with something.

      How do you chose your targets? Do you have a "guide" or is it just years of experience, looking up and getting used to the night sky?



    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  22. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      Hi Rob

      Well, I pulled it - 414EX and power supply coming from FLO, scored a manual (yes, I know) filter wheel from Steve on the forum and sourced LRGB Baader filters from Astro Buy and Sell. That will be enough to get me going and saved me a few quid that I will keep aside to get an IDAS LP filter/Ha filter in the next month or so, once I know what I am doing with the kit.

      Thanks again for all your help - I may not have gone with your exact advice, but it has been very helpful in knowing where I am heading!

      Clear Skies!




    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  23. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      The trigger finger is very itchy..... 

      I have found the Baader LRGB set for £191, which is a £20 saving....but when you are spending around £1300, I am not sure whether that is going to have much of an impact! 


    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  24. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      Thanks, Rob. Appreciate you taking the time to humour me and help me out... Time for some more thinking... Might be able to source some filters elsewhere a little cheaper!



    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  25. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      I've been talking to Martin at FLO as well and he recommends the IDAS P2 LP filter - so I could go LRGB and add that one to the mix or go IDAS P2 and Ha and go mono for a bit while saving for some RGB filters separately....if I have understood you right, I can get some decent Mono images then with the IDAS Luminance and the Ha for extra detail? Although that is a little more expensive.....

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

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