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Status Replies posted by Marky1973

  1. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      Now I am even more confused - so the Luminance Filter is pointless - or just limited more to when you can use it? I'll need to check the reducer later to see what can be done for LP with that - its a pity that FLO don't offer the RGB filters separately (from what I can see) to allow for a bit of pick n mix - so, presumably you could replace the L filter with an appropriate light pollution filter?

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  2. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      So I was planning on the LRGB Baader set, but perhaps a different approach? More reading to do - is Ha "doable" on most targets then? I thought it was more useful for certain nebulae etc?

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  3. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      I was also presuming that it would be easier to process with better data in the images, Rob?

      I'll need to get my head around LRGB first before Narrowband I reckon, but will get there eventually - not enough slots in the manual wheel for both now! :-)

      Do you use Pixinisight Rob? Been trialling it recently and like what i see - still only scratching the surface, but that is another cost!

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  4. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      And your wallet - I was going to start with LRGB imaging and now you want me to get Narrowband filters as well! ;-)

      I know you are right, of course - I think some of it is nerves as well - imaging with a DSLR isn't necessarily "easy," but is is compared to my perception of Mono imaging with a CCD. Then again, before I started guiding I was in the dark, wondering how on Earth I could get THAT to work. Time to re-read Every Photon etc.

      Is LRGB imaging affected by the moon as much as DSLR, or is it more forgiving with the filters in play?

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  5. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Marky1973


      I know...and that's what I keep telling myself, Rob.... and then I keep looking out of the window at the weather and I think that it may be more trouble than it is worth with the time I get to image....then I see what other people are doing and realise it is possible....but I am not very patient....and then...and then...and then....

      Nice potential deal at Ian King imaging for the 414EX, with filters and powered wheel...but then could get a similar deal at FLO, but with the power cable, slightly cheaper with a manual wheel...




    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  6. Many Thanks Marky1973 for your input on my wide field viewing. sorry it’s taken so long to reply but I have spent many evenings looking at posts here on SGL and other web sites regarding the SW150 and SW 80ED and also looked at many videos on collimation and field of view on given targets with each scope. Seems that I would need different scopes and cameras to meet the need for the different targets I would like to image… This is going to be an expenses past time, but I’m keen to get stated on this and have decided to go for the foundation 1st, I don’t want to go backwards in this project so an Skywatcher NEQ6 PRO Synscan along with a SW80ED would get things going

    Think using my 200 and 300 nikon lenses would start the wide field viewing and the ED80 give me a little more power. Guide scope seen ok but Guide cameras seem seem to be a lot more tricky… Colour or Mono…. pix size or list pix size… Mono seems to be best for guiding.. so I’m on the journey these things and some filters and so on as I go along. Once again thanks for the input.. I will go for a faster scope like a SW200PDS later when i save up some more money… 


    Kind Regards .. Sam


    Will order the Mount and scope after the 10th This month when I get my next pay packet.

  7. hi mark more confused than ever now,what do you think about the 


     about same price

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