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Alien 13

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Posts posted by Alien 13

  1. It is a great Idea the issues with scopes like is that it could take several weeks before it gets 1st light and even then a smaller sensor might not show any significant errors straight away, the knowledge that the scope is A1 from the start is well worth any small fee.

    I do think the sticker/certificate is also a good idea and would certainly add value later on if it was sold so the extra up front would pay for itself.


    • Like 1
  2. A few more from me, just to keep these Vespa, sorry I mean these Dob and Newt boys in check ;)

    Not mine of course, but thought it worth posting ;)


    What a great set of scopes, I would be happy with the finder from the last one and for once the images on the side of the box dont lie.


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  3. To stack widefield images I used to use Dss or PI but recently I've been using PS with good results. Use the automate script to load the stack of images into one layered image, lock a reference image typically in the middle of the stack and then use the auto PS alignment. Convert the aligned stack to a smart object and then use the Median stack mode to blend all the layers together. The noise reduction in this method is surprisingly good without using darks

    sent from my Sony Xperia Z2

    That sounds great but not exactly sure what you mean (i only have CS2 at the moment) any chance you could post more details at some time.



  4. Can I ask what this is? It kind of looks like a home-made one, but I can't tell.

    And would something like this do the trick I wonder?


    I'm trying to work out dimensions for a home-made dew shield cone, and it's already frying my brain.

    That is similar to what i bought mine was a 72mm version with a 58-72mm step up ring but the one shown looks ideal and rubber helps with insulation.


  5. And the halo is from me doing a gradient removal in photoshop not know how to do it but watching a quick video.  Its sort of cool, but it would be better if I had gotten rid of the halo.  Funny the halo didn't stand out until I posted it up.  Much more noticeable here then on my screen.  Strange.

    I followed the gradient removal tutorial and could never get it to work so i did the 1st few steps then inverted it and used one of the standard blend modes.


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