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Alien 13

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Posts posted by Alien 13

  1. 10 minutes ago, andrew s said:

     But it is not science it's just posing and being a celebrity. I know I am being a science snob!

    Its the way of the world I am afraid but does have benefits, Albert Eisenstein was the biggest celebrity in the world of science and am sure he inspired those that followed... and most importantly the general public.


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  2. 33 minutes ago, Kn4fty said:

    I enjoy his presentation. He really seems to enjoy what he does and it bleeds over to the viewers. Hope to get more of his material on this side of the pond 


    I agree, he would certainly be near the top of my list of people I would love to have a drink and chat with down the local pub (bar).


  3. 3 minutes ago, catburglar said:

    They are cropped images... There were a couple of issues I couldn’t easily fix at the time:

    1. I could never get the flats sorted, so I always had complex gradients that I couldn’t seem to process out if I didn’t crop.

    2. The PC i was using to process the images was a bit under specced  for the job, so it was easier/quicker to process cropped images.

    I soon moved on to a modded DSLR, so don’t have many example images with the unmodded cam that are relevant to the thread.

    Thanks, gradients are a pain with widefield lenses especially if you have localized light pollution.....


  4. 5 minutes ago, catburglar said:

    I used a Samyang 135mm lens- typically 30-60 second exposures at F2 and ISO800

    I am confused as to the scale of those images, did you do massive crops? and why would you crop so heavily with such a lovely widefield lens...


  5. 11 hours ago, JamesF said:

    Apparently NASA has proposed using a "railgun" type technology to launch vehicles:



    Its amazing that "Fireball XL5" had the right idea all those years ago :D

    I  dont know the exact figures but a very large proportion of a rockets fuel is used up just getting it to Mak 1.....


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  6. 33 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

    This remote arrived this morning. Hoping to use this camera on my SA mount with as few leads as possible.



    Looks good not seen that model before so had a peek online and it was nice to see it uses standard AAA bats, I have something similar with the giga t pro but it eats the expensive CR2 batteries so does not get used much. I do agree with keeping leads down to a minimum on portable mounts.


  7. 47 minutes ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

    Just a thought, would this thread be better placed in the 'Getting Started with Imaging' sub-forum?

    I thought that too as its where the 130pds and ED80 threads reside.

    The Samyang is one of those products that is so good in that it is ideal for beginners with a DSLR on a tracking mount and experienced users that want to go very deep....


  8. 29 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

    If starting from nothing the az-gti mount would be much better 

    I have considered one of these but it offsets the camera which might be fine for widefield panos but limited for my closeup work so would need major modifications too. 


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