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Status Updates posted by Purplehayze104

  1. Ground control to Major Tim...good luck

  2. hmm clear skies as of now, hope it carries on for the night !!

    1. xtreemchaos


      good here too,scopes cooling.goodluck.

    2. Purplehayze104


      well seeing is really pants at the moment cant see nothing other than the brighter stars & winds gotten up since this afternoon tut

  3. To The SGL Family Merry Christmas to you all, & see you all in the new year, may your 2016 be less cloudy

    1. xtreemchaos


      merry christmas and new year john.

  4. ssshhh think the clouds forgotten to wake up as can see the sun.....

    1. xtreemchaos


      thay have woken up here,got a whole tribe of them inbetween me and sol.

    2. Purplehayze104


      haha im still in shock we have clear skies an still have mister sun beaming his face off

  5. will this weather ever break, must be least 2 months since got out for anything humph

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Purplehayze104


      oooo get out quick haha its blowing a gale here an cloud all the way

    3. xtreemchaos


      yer theres still cloud but its thin and patchy,i was just looking at orion ....

    4. pipnina


      I'm forecast an hour of clear skies around 1... Do I stay up and risk tiredness tomorrow for a potential look at orion?

  6. what is this bright ball of light i see could it possibly be the sun !!

  7. off to blackpool friday for a 40th bday, will keep me occupied while still cloudy.

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Don't wait for the weather to break before you come back else you might be looking at another significant Birthday! Have a good one.

    2. Purplehayze104


      haha well its not mine I past the 40 mark, this me best mates, but thank you it'll be a good one I'm sure, hopefully wont bring the storm back with me the North's getting at mo either.

  8. another wet an dismal weekend on cards

    1. xtreemchaos


      oh the agony and torment, why are clouds so evil...

  9. when will this cloud ahum clear off, been nearly 3 weeks now an not seen nowt!

  10. when will this cloud ahum clear off, neally been nearly 3 weeks now an not seen nowt!

  11. when will this cloud ahum clear off, really been nearly 3 weeks now an not seen nowt!

  12. when will this cloud [removed word] off, really been nearly 3 weeks now an not seen nowt!

  13. finally got 5min guided subs, no trailing, well chuffed.

  14. hmmm, should i sell my Lunt35 & get a 250 dob....!

    1. xtreemchaos


      sell the lunt and get a ED80 and solar filter, best of both worlds...

    2. Purplehayze104


      haha, have always wanted a ED80 actually, but I have a solar filter for the 150P & travelscope for some white light shots, was just thinking a bigish dobby mite give me better views for when I cant be bothered to set up for imaging, which seems to be more often than not, could be wrong but wouldn't be the first time.

  15. ....

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Purplehayze104


      well theres a good tutorial done by a woman on here called astrobaby its almost a walkthrou of how an what to do to the mount in step by step text an pictures, looks easy enuff to follow mite give it a try next spring/summer as will want it for the winter months ahead for hopefully a bit of AP.

    3. Gutross


      is there any light maitenance that can be done to get rid of the grinding, for all you know somthing might be loose and it could be chewing up some worms or gears. { worst case scenario }

    4. Purplehayze104


      with the weather the way it is, I mite just have to do that no chance me getting out at the moment, will have a look maybe at weekend if get some time, am hopefully going to pick up my new fish tank saturday or sunday.

  16. hmmm wot to sell, wot to sell ??

    1. xtreemchaos


      Kidney john ha ha

    2. Purplehayze104


      haha noooo fear almost debating weather to get rid of me solar scope

  17. the sky say's no !!

    1. xtreemchaos


      my sky says maybe...

    2. Purplehayze104


      mine did again about 10.45 last nite tut, can tell its getting darker now too

  18. nearly there new horizons been a long time coming

  19. clear skies they said today hmmm for which cointry was that coz it aint here

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      yer you should get down to one of there meets maybe someones got that kinda scope..catch ya later going to watch a movie.

    3. xtreemchaos


      its nice here today,sun is shining, birds are singing,i look forward to tonight to do some cloud watching.ha ha...

    4. Purplehayze104


      allo mate sounds like ya had a good one, hope ya ended up with a good evening too been a bit rotten here mostly heavy grey cloud, wind & occasional rain so been a bit of a fish day today lol, new 2.5 gal tank for my betta (siamease fighter) digging out my 54 litre tank an doing it marine.... should be interesting as never done it before but think im ready as done me homework.

  20. think i should of skived worked today its another clear day !!

    1. Gutross


      never skip work, then you would not be able to afford all your shiny kit!

    2. Purplehayze104


      this is true, must have my shiney bits of kit

  21. tried fitting the moonlite tonite to no avail, need to file out couple holes a touch

  22. mmmmm sitting here rolling the focuser knobs back an fourth on the moonlite smooooooth much!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Purplehayze104


      yeah there was a curved place but there was 2 flat ones, one slightly thicker that tother, guess need to get my 32 plossl out an my dslr & see if I can focus with them to decide which one to use, think itll be going on tonite prolly collimate tomorrow :D

    3. xtreemchaos


      best of luck mate,you get it sorted. i wish somebody would sort the clouds here 2 nights now ive setup with the sky looking hafe good then after a hour cool down i go out and wall to wall cloud...

    4. Purplehayze104


      yeah should be to much of a problem....famous last words hehe, been the opposite here been lovely clear skies but been blowing a gale plus still quite light even around 11 o clock roll on the longer nites

  23. The moonlite has landed, hope the misses now dont hold it to ransom !!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Purplehayze104


      she does, I got it delivered to her works, ive just started new place of work an dint wanna risk having parcels delivered, hopefully she'll remember to bring it home :D

    3. xtreemchaos


      will you be fiting tonight?

    4. Purplehayze104


      prolly not tonite as popping over to see me mar an par for feed an water but if get chance will post a pic :D

  24. today is a good day, finally got the moonlite on order with aunty FLO

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Purplehayze104


      shouldnt think its to hard to put a peir in as long ya do a proper job an not cut corners, not a huge diy'er myself, an think landlord mite have summit to say. have been thinking bout a movable but think ill give the the HEQ5 a go first prolly be lighter to move, id love a roll off roof but dont think budget will stretch to one, was prolly gunna get a nice size shed run electric to it an use that as me base

    3. Luke


      Congrats! Best thing I can say about the Moonlite is I don't even notice it is there. I focus without thinking about it, it's just me and the stars :)

    4. Purplehayze104


      hi luke, that sounds like bliss :) also that's one of the reasons i've gone for it, looked at many others beforehand but kept coming back to the moonlite, the standard focuser on me 150P is a bit naff have to have it relatively tight when got me Canon on it so becomes a pain in the rectum trying to get good focus... hopefully be here tomorrow or Friday just in time to fix it on at weekend...

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