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Everything posted by Kinch

  1. Thanks guys.......no sign of any break in the clouds over SouthEast Spain anytime soon.....expecting rain here all day tomorrow too ☔. (I will have to just continue working on old data while stuck on lock down!)
  2. As well as all the other problems here in Spain.....well there is only one BIG problem at the moment which is not confined to Spain......BUT the cloud has been just terrible here.....no chance of any new images to work on. So....for the past while, I have been working on old images again (like a lot of others here). Here is one of them......the Bubble Nebula. This is 17½ hours of narrow band data with Takahashi FSQ130 and QSI 6120 camera.
  3. Kinch


    For me - when flicking between the Final and the Original - yes indeed a big improvement. Subtle....but but very evident whe one looks close in. Therein a question.....how many people actually do look that close at posted images?
  4. Kinch


    I love the colours in this.......very catching but not overdone.
  5. Well done - fantastic result. Not only is it eye catching but holds up when one has a closer look too. 👍
  6. Again - in lock down and without clear skies to do new images.....I turn to old data to do a reprocess.....this data from 2016. Imaging telescopes or lenses: Takahashi FSQ106EDImaging cameras: QSI 6120iMounts: Takahashi EM 400 Temma 2 Guiding telescopes or lenses: Takahashi FS 60 CBGuiding cameras: QHY CCD QHY 5 IIFocal reducers: Takahashi QE 0.73xFrames:Astrodon Ha 3nm: 29x1200" bin 1x1Astrodon OIII 3nm: 17x1200" bin 1x1 Astrodon SII 3nm: 15x1200" bin 1x1Integration: 20 Hours 20 Minutes
  7. I have over the past couple of years been contacted by younger entheusiasts (via their group leaders/parents) who come across my web site. They were drawn to the 'Links' page at the end of the site when looking for information. Some then indicated that they would like me to put up & pass on certain links (for younger people) that they found useful. That section for Younger astronomers now has 10 links - which lead to some pretty good info for a younger age group. See half way down this page: https://www.kinchastro.com/information--links.html At the time, I checked out each link before putting it up on my site.....
  8. I should have put in a link for anyone interested - especially with a high res monitor. The top image here is the 2018 image that I reworked from scratch on Monday last - giving me the lower image. Click on that image for the higher resolution (a second click will pull up the full resolution posted). https://www.kinchastro.com/ngc-281-pacman-nebula.html
  9. Thanks guys..👍.....this is now my desktop background on my own new 4K monitor.
  10. Great image. More data will indeed improve the end result - but great image as is!
  11. With Covid-19 lockdown and lots of rain - it was a good day to re-work some data from Sept. 2018. This is NGC 281.....Pacman Nebula. Total exposure time here is 24 hours (Narrow Band and RGB data). Quite pleased with the improvement I made on this since last I processed it. The full image covers a wider area, but the crop here allows greater detail on your screen.
  12. ......I was just wondering........like I said, I don't do much "RGB" images because of the general light pollution. .......so thanks for the reply. (.......but I will still just use the RGB filters I think......I can be a bit lazy at times and in the end I don'tthink the L filter data would do much for my broadband images 🤣)
  13. I am guessing that you are shooting at x1 (not binned) on the RGB filters. Don't really understand then why you bother with the L filter. I don't do much RGB (as you know) - when when I do, I never now use the L filter.......that's my focus filter for the NB stuff 🙂.
  14. Yes - looks like your spacing is correct. The only thing I can think of is perhaps pinched optics; i.e. things just screwed together too tightly. A bit of a long shot.....but I do believe that it happened me once. Unfortunately I cannot confirm that I had the exact same problem show in the subs......but I do know I had problems of some sort in the corners.
  15. In truth Rodd....the 1st was fine - though I can see what you achieved with revisiting it. Had it been mine....I doubt that I would have touched it. Either one gets my vote.
  16. Kinch


    ......and don't forget all the new satellites that are up there 😟
  17. Kinch


    That's the key point Rodd. Yes it is quite faint but when you look at the one referenced above with 40 hours of data it really is a beauty.....so I know where I have to try go with this.....I will aim for up to 30 hours. Unfortunately that looks more and more like later in the year....cloud not too bad tonight BUT is is blowing hard 🙄. All part of the fun......😏
  18. Kinch


    I think it was here that I saw this object first - Jedi2014 posted a beautiful image of it in the past.
  19. Kinch


    Thanks for the comments guys - yes it definitely needs more time. Just, as I said, it is the wrong time of year......but still open to a little every night that is clear. I will have to wait & see ......I just don't have the patience that Tom has ....🤣
  20. Not too sure if it is really worth posting this. It is really the wrong time of year to try capture data for it but I wanted to keep working with NB filters for as long as possible (before turning to galaxies). I was trying a few different targets during the night (when I had the chance) - this one was 1st on the list each night. So far there is 5 hours each Ha & OIII with 1 hour each RGB just to help. I hope (but am not at all confident) to get more for this ..... but it may end up being put aside until September before finishing. There is not much structure to this old planetary nebula....but I am confident, that with more data, it could be well improved on.
  21. Spectacular - I just loved roaming around on that 'Zoomify' image and I know I will go back to it again & again....... Congratulations AGAIN.......I just don't know how you can be so patient and persevering.....but I do know that it pays dividends for you Big Time!
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