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Everything posted by Kinch

  1. I think there is plenty going on here to make this FoV an interesting image in its own right. It, I guess, might be a challenge though if the SII or OIII don't come out strong enough.....which I found to be the case in one of my images (in the general area.....but not sure how close to this).
  2. That FSQ130 scope ....is irreplacable, I would say 😟....they don't make them anymore and I have never seen a 2nd hand one for sale yet. So yes.....that gets top priority 😉
  3. Thanks for the feedback and interest ...... The two instruments that you refer to are more commonly known as quadrants (which were later called octants which in turn developed into the sextant that we know today). To the left ....a much later instrument - a Station Pointer (for plotting a position on a chart - for the most part for close to shore navigation). Above, one can see part of a backstaff....this from about 1750....in use, one can say, before the quadrants.....though in truth they were slow to be replaced by quadrants because the remained much cheaper for the seafarer to buy. Above - very top - just a hint of a full circle (by Troughton)...quite specialist and used on land rather than at sea. Flip-Flat by Alnitak. That is a relief to know. I was really worried about the scope....this is my 'baby' that I could not think of taking a chance with . Oddly, I was not too worried about electronics (camera, computer etc)....I reckon the must get hot anyway during operation and once there was no wild swing in temps....I just thougt they would be OK.
  4. Yesterday I was too worried about the hreat out in the observatory during the day. We had 37°C air temp. here in SE Spain and regardless of shade from the Sun, that air temp was exactly the same within the Obs. I am not generally here at this time of the year and for sure this is the 1st time i have had this FSQ130ED out there in such heat. (Covid 19 has grounded people travelling in more than just one direction). When I felt the OTA quite warm to the touch....there was no alternative but to take it in. (I don't have fans or A/C set up in the Obs). Today...the FSQ130, EFW3, ML16200 Camera, FS60 guide scope & QHY camara are now safely indoors amongst "OLD" friends (my other hobby). No more astro images for a while I think!
  5. What a bummer - our thoughts are with you and your wife. Hopefully the mild symptoms will remain as mild symptoms and that all this will just be a bad memory before too long. 🤞
  6. Thanks so much for the positive feedback........always very much appreciated.
  7. I have not 'heard' that but more or less just figured it.....the farther you go from the calibration files temp.....obviously the more useless they become. I reckoned I would get away with 1° for some and perhaps 2° for a few in a big stack. I would not try more than 2°......and not too many out that far either. Just looking at your earlier post: "A couple years ago I lowered my cooling set point from -25 to -20". To me (and vlaiv, I think)....this means that you set your CCD to cool to -20°C. If it is 25°C outside.....this means you are looking for delta T of 45° OOPS....just see vlaiv's reply come in....I won't continue....
  8. On the test results for my FLI ML16200 it gave a measured coooling to dT of -56.3°. I don't know how long that test lasted for, though. I have aimed to use -55°....getting to -30°C in ambient 25°C . This I was hoping would be my worst case, but as I said, temps have been up to 27°C at night lately. This was my reason to start shooting at -28° rather than -30°, TEC running at 90% to 92%......a bit higher than I would really like if truth be known. I have got dT of 57° at 93%-94%....but I really don't like pushing it that hard (for any length of time).....hence shooting at 1° or 2° above the calibration frames temp. Your post has convinced me that I can continue doing that (although I suspected that anyway) and not be bothered with a new set of Darks.
  9. Thanks Rodd; I have a camera with extremely good cooling - but I too struggle here in SE Spain with my chosen working CCD temperature. When starting out as soon as possible after dark it is stilll very warm from the day. Looking at my 'delta T', I know I can get to maybe 1° or 2° above what I want (without labouring the TEC too much....though in truth, still a bit more than I would prefer). If the outside air cools down at all, I will try to grab back that 1° or 2­°.....cooling down to the temp the Darks were done at. Most nights I can reach what I want at some stage during the night or early morning but last night was the 1st night I had to leave the TEC set at 2° above what I wanted. I did not fret too much about this as in the end there will be a lot of subs and hopefully most will get to or at least within 1° of what I want. On top of my own reckoning (not tested) I am happy to see what you have written above.....I feel confident I can continue working the camera and continue to use my -30°C Darks in up to 25°C to 27°C night temperatures we are getting here now.
  10. Well looking at your profile pic...👍....that did indeed come out very well. If that is from your current procedure, I can understand why you like your own methods. (It does look like NB though....I may be wrong as I am not familial with OSC + L-Enhance). Clear skies....and have fun.
  11. Thanks very much for saying so........perhaps we will convert you to NB yet 🤣. (Truth is, I fight the light pollution here and without NB filters I would be looking for a new hobby!)
  12. You have just contradicted yourself............if the comments are helpful and encouraging.........then posting cannot be pointless! Just sayin' 🤓
  13. Nobody should ever say that on a public forum. We all start from the same level and we all have to learn at our own pace and with the equipment we have. You have made a great start here and and you have every right to be proud of it....it is a lot better than the 1st images I put out in public 👍
  14. Things are hard enough in this hobby without that....I feel for you.
  15. While 'messing about' with my previous image of this area (IC 1396) I decided , since the data was good enough, I would post a close in image of the Elephant Trunk. The image below can be seen at twice this resolution on my web site.
  16. Paul......yeh...I am finished with it now. Time to move on 😀
  17. Thank you Paul. People might be surprised that I was working on this again this morning.....nothing that anyone might notice (except me looking at the full resolution). The tiny stars were 'bugging' me some....I was just trying to improve their colour...which I think I managed to do. I won't repost though...it was me 'just scratching' at a minor irritation 🤓
  18. Thanks very much Dave. I guess you must also be plagued with light pollution being "just inside M25". Good luck....it has turned out to be a nice area for capture because the signal is relatively strong.
  19. Thanks Martyn - you might be interested....here is what my SII looked like:
  20. Interesting??? I don't know.... Actually within this image is a very small area of OIII (blue) signal that is NOT a star. I have seen such things reported before and named. Any thoughts - should I do so and if yes....where? It is so small though !
  21. Thank you so much Adrian. I think I said it elsewhere, that my main objective has always been to bring out detail rather than colour.....even on wide field shots. I am evolving all the time though....I think I am bringing more colour in now....which is OK when it is not at the expense of the detail 😏
  22. Thanks so much Robin....glad you found the site interesting. In the early days, putting the site together was a lot of work.....now just adding the images as they come only takes an hour maybe.....as I put the info in and update links. Weebly is a free site hosting facility.....it was a great project for me....taking plenty of time but not costing anything. (I have one page that still needs updating re my present camera. Note to self:...."get it done next week"! )
  23. Hi Carole, yes there are some great skies in Spain.....BUT not where I am unfortunately. When I moved to Spain I was not into astro-photography at the time. If I was...I would not have bought near the coast and most especially not along the southeast coast. I am plagued with both high humidity and bad light pollution......AND....no chance that my wife will consider a move just so that I can get better night skies. What to do.....I just make the most of it when I can and stick (for the most part) to narrow band imaging.
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