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Blog Comments posted by daz

  1. I read this blog with interest - and a level of envy!!

    I am terrible at planning my imaging sessions, and I suspect like many others, don't know what I will be doing until I switch the computer on!!


    I really must get better at planning my images, and perhaps this will be a good nudge in the right direction!!


    Look forward to the final result - but the 17hr interim looks pretty tasty!!

  2. Car lights will certainly be frowned on after dark, even at a small party. If you absolutely have to open the car, call 'LIGHTS IN 3,2,1' before doing so....

    White lights in the tent is also a no-no.

    You don't have to cover EVERY white light, especially if they are dim ones, but the bright ones, certainly.

    Lighters are fine.

    People tend to leave scopes out, but pack away expensive eyepieces/laptops/cameras etc. It's harder to run off with a C8 in your pocket!!

    Best advice is to get involved - talk to people, ask questions, etc. If you stay in your tent on your own, it won't be as much fun!

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