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wiliam optics bino viewer in Vixen 102m

I just bought a new WO BinoViewer which includes two 20mm eyepieces and a 1.6 mini barlow. However, I dont have enough in focus to acheive focus when using my diagonal. O/K without tho` The other problem I found was that the eyepiece focuser on the left eyepiece comes to focus at a different position than that of the right eyepiece.The left eyepiece has to be turned down to the very bottom of its travel. Do you think that there is a collimation problem? I know that my eyes are pretty close to on



Vixen 102M primary lens marks?

Can someone tell me if they have ever seen a primary lens with several perfect concentric circles in the centre of the front lens? The circles cover about a 10mm in diameter My Vixen 102m has these markings. They are very faint and look as though they are part of the coating or an integral part of the lens. They are not easy to see and I don`t think they are on the surface. More like in the coating. The scope gives excellent views and as far as I can see, good refraction patterns in and out of f



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