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Nicola Fletcher

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Posts posted by Nicola Fletcher

  1. 16 minutes ago, John said:

    I'm glad you are enjoying your Tak Nicola. I've enjoyed my FC100 since I bought it in 2016 :smiley:

    When I use my refractors (I have 4 between 100mm and 130mm in aperture) I enjoy the feeling that the views I'm getting are probably as good as any scope of that aperture can give.

    When I want to go deeper, fainter, tease out more detail or see something that I've never been able to see before, I go to larger apertures and I can't afford / manage a 8 inch plus refractor so it's a newtonian on a dobsonian mount that I turn to. A good one, as it happens.

    For me, seeing things that I have seen before, exquisitely nicely, is one part of the hobby but what keeps me personally in it is being able to occasionally see things that I've never managed to see before.

    We all have different motivations, of course :smiley:



    Absolutely John, instead of ‘aperture fever’ I have gone backwards- from the 10” SCT all the way down to the FC76! 
    This was because I really love having lightweight setups, and being able to put something very lightweight in the car or take it on a plane is the reason I went for the FC76-DCU. The 10” almost put me off the hobby entirely, it was such a hassle setting up and was my first scope, given to me as a gift. 
    However, I’m much less experienced than most others on this forum and as you said, everyone has their own motivation 😊

    It seems to me that having the best of both worlds, i.e. a small, high quality refractor (or a range of them like you have!) with a bigger setup like a Dob would be ideal. And a permanent setup would be the dream!

    • Like 5
  2. On 04/04/2021 at 02:07, John said:

    Why would it look better with a smaller aperture and less light gathering power ?

    M42 is a deep sky nebula. A £250 200mm chinese newtonian will show it better than a Tak 76mm or 100mm.



    I think it might have been my comparison of M42 with the FC76-DCU vs other scopes that originally raised this?
    Maybe it was just Tak-bias but it seemed to me that the perfection of the view through the FC76 was so pleasing, I enjoyed it more than the other scopes I have used. Of course the bigger scopes showed more detail, but there was something about the Tak’s quality that I fear I may become addicted to!

    • Like 5
  3. 6 hours ago, jetstream said:

    Great report!

    Your scope will show M42's "lower loop" easily under dark skies and the North American nebula will be stunning as well, among many others. My limited experience with Takahashi telescopes has shown me they can offer superb contrast and transmission on DSO while offering near unlimited magnification on the moon and planets.

    And yes, I see no scatter in mine as well- as the velvety blackness description nicely relates which is a Tak characteristic.

    Thanks @jetstream, the North America Is a great idea. I actually haven’t ever seen it so am looking forward to that.

    M42 was even better last night with a much clearer sky. My views south are stunning with very dark skies so I’m probably spoilt in the views I get of M42. I’m glad you agree about the superior contrast with these targets. I’m afraid I was being biased towards the Tak but I really don’t think so. Hoping for another clear night tomorrow to round off the weekend nicely. Clear skies to you too!

    • Like 2
  4. I remember reading in TLAO that the Tarantula Nebula ‘exceeds superlatives’.

    That’s how I feel after a night with the FC76-DCU. I can’t believe how utterly magical the views were through it. My observing plan went to pot as there was some high cloud north and east until about midnight, but south was clear. The first target I aimed at was M42, reasonably low in the sky by the time I started. It is my favourite thing to observe and I’ve enjoyed observing it with the various scopes I have owned (10” LX200, 127 Mak and recently the 102ED-R). I don’t think I’ve ever seen views that were more beautiful than through the FC76-DCU. M42 was almost luminous with velvety blackness around it (I now understand this description having at last looked through a Tak). I had a look at Sigma Orionis and the Pleiades and then tried M81/82 but unfortunately the cloud made things too difficult. With luck, tonight will be better and I’ll have another go. 

    I must admit, I didn’t think such a small scope would be that good. I’m absolutely delighted with it and I think it’ll be used a lot at home as well as for travel. Imagine what the views are like through the bigger Taks if the FC76 is that good!



    • Like 8
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  5. 1 minute ago, John said:

    Good targets !

    Moonrise is 2:28 am though so it will be the early hours until it's high enough to be worth a look.

    Some nice triple stars would include Beta Monocerotis and Iota Cassiopeia. Sigma Orionis (just below the belt) is a quadruple with a mag 9 faintest member so a nice challenge.

    Messier 35 in Gemini is a great low power open cluster.

    Have fun !


    Thanks John! Brilliant - I’ll include those too. I’m not sure if I’ll last until the moon is up but we can always hope. I’m just chuffed that finally I’ll be able to look through it rather than at it 👍🏻

    • Like 5
  6. 29 minutes ago, John said:

    Very nice setup !

    Do you have any specific 1st light targets in mind ?

    I certainly do! I was thinking of M42 and the Pleiades, then trying for M81/82, the double cluster in Perseus, maybe M3 and finally a look at the moon? My views south are the best from that site but north isn’t bad either. I’m particularly keen on the moon to try out the Nagler zoom! 

    • Like 2
  7. On 28/03/2021 at 18:41, HollyHound said:

    Without wishing to hijack your thread too much more Nicola, I will just say (show) that once you do get these fully setup, they’re absolutely lovely and a joy to use 😃

    Although I’ve only had an hour on the moon with mine, I can say that this FC-76DCU is going to get a lot of use as my main grab and go scope now 👍

    Just need some clear skies again 🤞


    @HollyHound at long last I’m all set up and ready to go with clear skies promised for this evening. I decided to go with the EQM-35 Pro for first light so I’d have GoTo. The new diagonal and TV Nagler 3-6mm EP are raring to go!


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  8. 15 minutes ago, HollyHound said:

    Without wishing to hijack your thread too much more Nicola, I will just say (show) that once you do get these fully setup, they’re absolutely lovely and a joy to use 😃

    Although I’ve only had an hour on the moon with mine, I can say that this FC-76DCU is going to get a lot of use as my main grab and go scope now 👍

    Just need some clear skies again 🤞


    Looks absolutely wonderful - I love your mount and it looks great with the Berlebach. You’re not hijacking the thread at all. I’ll try to post some photos this week too. Enjoy every minute of it!

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  9. 16 hours ago, HollyHound said:

    Hi Nicola,

    Whilst it’s not a comprehensive viewing report by any means, as I have literally only had an hour so far with this lovely new scope... I can confirm that both the Morpheus 17.5mm and the Nagler 3-6mm Zoom work perfectly and both have superb views. The Morpheus of course having a massive field of view, and it’s also very lightweight. 

    For reference, I don’t have a Tak prism, but I am using a Baader T2 1.25 prism, which is very similar in size and optical path. With this I was able to focus all my eyepieces (Pentax XW20,14,10,7,5,3.5 - Panoptic 24 & 15 - Nagler Zoom -Morpheus 17.5 and Masuyama 16) with about 10mm of “in focus” still remaining. The only two eyepieces I couldn’t focus were my Delos 14 and Baader Genuine Ortho 12.5. 

    I’ve replaced the Tak adaptors, with the following setup (see photo)... Baader 2” Clicklock, 1.25” to 2” low profile adaptor, 1.25” T2 nosepiece, 40mm T2 extension ring, T2 prism, T2 1.25” Clicklock (for the eyepiece). I did also have a 7.5mm T2 extension ring under the eyepiece holder, but got rid of that now, and replaced the 40mm extension with 2x15mm instead, to hopefully give a bit more in-focus if needed. In terms of length, this is almost the same as the Tak adaptor setup (without the very long tube), so you should be fine.... I think @JeremyS uses this arrangement anyway.

    I’ve just ordered a Baader T2 2” prism, with 2” Clicklock eyepiece holder and nosepiece. I think this will probably still work when I want to use my 2” eyepieces, as the longer diagonal optical length should be offset by the removed  extension tubes. However, it is not certain I will be using 2” eyepieces on this scope as it is very much for “grab and go”... or more “grab and go and linger” 😀

    Hope this helps... I will write up a more about this superb scope, when I’ve had more time with it. I can say that have fallen in love with it’s looks, view, usability and quality already 👍

    I really don’t know why it’s taken a year to think about getting one, they’re lovely 😀




    Thanks Gary!

    I’m delighted you have been able to set up your scope and test it out - even better that you’re delighted with your purchase! Thank you very much for the report on the diagonal and EPs. Looks like a very versatile setup and a good alternative to the Tak adaptors. I agree with you about keeping the setup lightweight - it’s so light I really don’t want to weigh it down with big heavy EPs.

    Im waiting for a Tak prism diagonal and TV 3-6mm zoom to arrive. Good old FLO have been super quick with shipping as usual and it’s landed in Dublin this morning 😊 I’ll stick with Tak accessories for the moment and I’m almost set on getting the 17.5 Morpheus and a 24mm Panoptic for it (and maybe a Nagler or Delite to fill in the gap) but will also see how the BSTs and Baader Zoom work with the Tak prism. FLO really meant what they said with the clouds and I am still waiting for a good night. Thursday has a good forecast on Clear Outside and I’m hoping for a nice long night of observing with a day off on Friday 🙏🏻

    Thank you for all that information and I wish you plenty of clear skies and look forward to hearing more about your impressions of this fabulous little scope! 

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  10. 6 hours ago, BertQ said:


    Congratulations on your new telescope.  You'll get many years of pleasure from it.   I have had an FSQ-106n for over 16 years and I'm still in love with the quality and workmanship that was put into it.  Most of all, I love the images and views that I get from it.

    Enjoy it!


    Thank you Bert! As expected, it has been delivered with a month’s worth of cloudy skies but the forecast is good for Thursday and I hope to set it up at last! What a delight that FSQ-106 must be - the workmanship and quality of the Taks is outstanding!

  11. Would the Giro Ercole or Giro Ercole mini be worth considering? I have the mini - it holds up to 9kg per axis or 5kg if you only use one axis - I love the way you can mount two telescopes on it and I find it wonderful to use.



  12. 2 minutes ago, HollyHound said:

    Hi Nicola, I will certainly let you know how it performs. I don't currently plan to use it with a Tak diagonal, but I have Baader T2 prism, which should be very similar so a reasonable comparison. I wasn't sure if I was hanging on the Morpheus, as I have other eyepieces now, but it's still so light and a gorgeous view, so it stays for while longer or more 😀

    Excellent, and best of luck with your new Tak!!

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

    Baader Morpheus are excellent eyepieces that play well with  Tak. And they use safety curfs instead of undercuts, and so fit the Tak prism without any snagging. High optical quality with a large eye lens and 76° apparent field make it superbly comfortable. 



    Thanks a lot @mikeDnight - this was one of the EPs that I initially thought of. Since I decided on the Tak diagonal I am now keen that the EPs work well with it and I am glad that you like the Morpheus. I'm quite sold on the Televue 3-6mm zoom and/or the Tak TOE EPs. I had thought of either a Nagler (13mm) or Tak Abbes (12.5/18mm), and then the Panoptic as suggested by @JeremyS, but the Morpheus is also a very attractive option. @HollyHound, I'd be very interested to see what you think of the Morpheus with the FC76-DCU - are you going to use the Tak diagonal with it?

    • Like 4
  14. 10 hours ago, JeremyS said:

    My basic set up with my FS 60 CB is indeed the top line in the chart. The pic I included the other day in a thread is with the Q extender and I needed to change the back a little to reach focus. 
    The FS 60 focuser doesn’t have a lot of travel, so can be critical with some diagonals. The Tak diagonal has an unusually short light path so eats less back focus.

    The are multiple ways to accommodate different back accessories. As Mike says, FLO (specifically Ian King - he’s put me right several times) can advise.

    Thanks Jeremy- sorry, it’s the FC76-DCU but the extender is the same as for the FS60 I think - looks like the focusers are very similar between the two.

    I just popped the Altair diagonal on it because it’s the only one I currently have. I’m going to get the Tak diagonal so hopefully that’ll make it more straightforward, but I’ll get in touch with FLO for their advice. Thanks for your help!

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  15. I have a follow up question - will this ever end?!!

    I just set up the Tak with the accessories listed in the System Chart (everything except the FS-60CB adapter as shown in the top setup in the Systrm Chart), an Altair dielectric diagonal and either a BST starguider EP or the Baader Hyperion 8-24mm zoom. I can’t focus any of them with the diagonal, and can just about focus if I add back the adapter and attach the BST directly to the scope. The Baader Hyperion doesn’t work at all - I’m a long way off focus no matter what accessories I include. 

    @JeremyS and @mikeDnight I noticed that you seem to have a different set of accessories on the back of your scopes. The FS-60CB seems to make the setup too long, and without it it’s too short. Is there a quick fix, and do you know if this will be an issue if I buy a non-Takahashi diagonal or EPs (and also if it will work better if I stick with Tak accessories)?

    Thanks for your help and sorry about the endless questions! 


  16. 2 hours ago, Basementboy said:

    Digital sacrilege, I should report you to Google!

    Just kidding, I'll try that: I'd definitely prefer to buy from a local Uk dealer if possible.

    Interesting about the zoom eyepiece, too. Do you find any downside?

    I really like the zoom, it’s solid and well made but not too heavy. The clickstop mechanism is lovely to use. It fits with my grab and go setup well. Mind you, I don’t have experience with the very high end eyepieces (yet!) so can only compare with BST Starguiders, which I like very much. 

  17. On 12/03/2021 at 13:19, Carl Au said:

    I had the old Giro III, or should I say I wished I had the old Giro III. The Ercol mini or otherwise are both very nice mounts. I was looking at a mini myself, however I have started looking at forked mounts, TS have some interesting ones to look at. 

    I bought it for my Takahashi FC-76 DCU but I actually really enjoy using it with the Starwave. I reckon it will hold both scopes which could be fun when on holiday with family! Good luck with your mount search, hope you’re also getting on with the AZ4! 

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