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Blog Comments posted by tekkydave

  1. The M557 parameters in config.g get used when you execute G29. Try running G29 from the gcode console (after homing the axes of course).

    If you run the Mesh Grid Compensation from the button on the control page it seems to want to run bed.g if present. Otherwise it runs G32 using the M557 parameters. I think. Still a bit confused myself.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Gina said:

    Yes, that's the intention but I'll check the config.g file.  Would it be best to connect the board via USB for power to check or would using the +5v_SB from the ATX PSU be alright?

    Do you want to see whats in the config.g or test the probe? USB power wont power the board I think. I'm not using any 5V supplies so I don't know what it will power.

    Anyone else know?

  3. 20 minutes ago, Gina said:

    I have now carefully checked all the connections and links - twice - and think I'm ready to apply power but I need a cuppa first :D 

    Here's a photo of the Duet board - wiring not tidied up yet.


    Check the motor connections for Y and E0 - they seem to be different to X & Z (which match mine). Or is that the non-standard motor wiring you mentioned earlier?

  4. I think the Z probe connector can be used for either analogue or digital probes. I have my piezo probe connected to it. It can behave as analogue or digital depending on config.

    From my config.g

    ; Z Probe / Endstop
    M558 P5 I0 R0.4 F225 X0 Y0 Z1             ; P5 = Digital mode, I0 = NO, R0.4 = 400mS delay before probing, F300 = 300mm/min probe speed, X0 Y0 Z1 = used as axis endstop for Z axis
    G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.2 P100                      ; X, Y, Z offsets, debounce interval
    • P0 indicates that no Z probe is present.
    • P1 specifies an unmodulated or smart IR probe, or any other probe type that emulates one (probe output is an analog signal that rises with decreasing nozzle height above the bed). If there is a control signal to the probe, it is driven high when the probe type is P1.
    • P2 specifies a simple modulated IR probe, where the modulation is commanded directly by the main board firmware using the control signal to the probe.
    • P3 is similar to P1 but drives the control signal to the probe low. This may be used to switch between different Z probes.
    • P4 selects a switch for bed probing (on the Duet, this must be connected to the E0 endstop pins).
    • P5 (from RepRapFirmware 1.14) selects a switch (normally closed) for bed probing between the In and Gnd pins of the Z-probe connector (Duet 0.8.5 and Duet WiFi).
    • P6 is as P4 but the switch is connected to an alternative connector (on the Duet series, the E1 endstop connector).
    • P7 is as P4 but the switch is connected to the Z endstop connector (firmware 1.20 and later).
    • P8 is as P5 but the signal is unfiltered for lower latency (firmware 1.20 and later).

    I guess you are using M558 P4 where the probe (acting as a switch) gets connected to the E0 endstop pins.

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