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Blog Comments posted by tekkydave

  1. Will the XY frame be constrained in the X-Y plane purely by the wheels in the 4 corners? If so you may get binding issues with the screws unless the XY frame is free to float on them.

    I had issues with my D-Bot when I had wheels in all 4 corners and 3 screws. I eventually removed the wheels at the front as the rear wheels were providing sufficient constraint in the X-Y plane. The screws were then purely moving the bed up/down and keeping it in the same plane.

    Maybe I have misunderstood your design.

  2. Great research. When I started using PETG I had lots of issues with stringing. This was using a direct extruder too so not a Bowden issue. I found that tuning slicer parameters to minimise retractions got rid of almost all stringing. I found the best infill pattern was concentric as it drastically reduces the number of retractions followed by a move. I stopped using honeycomb when I had my Prusa. It would almost shake itself to bits unless going very slow.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gina said:

    Now I have the bones of the machine assembled I've been thinking about the possibility of boxing it in to provide a fume cabinet and also to enable a heated enclosure to help when printing ABS and any other type of filament that benefits from keeping warm.  The external dimensions of the frame are 720mm x 610mm, with the motors on the XY frame sticking out back and front.  In view of this I think one of the shorter sides would be best for the door.  It probably isn't necessary to have more than one side transparent (the door) and make the other sides from lengths of timber and plywood.  I plan to include a webcam somewhere to provide remote viewing of the printing process.

    Here is a good tutorial on using a Raspberry Pi and MotionEyeOS to control a webcam and integrate it into the Duet web interface.

    It describes using a Pi Zero which I tested and it's adequate with a Raspi cam and takes up littlemspace.

    I plan to use a Pi3 so I can attach multiple cameras. E.g. one watching the bed, one on the spool. Only one will be visible via the Duet but the Pi has its own web interface for monitoring all the attached cameras.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Are you talking hotend or bed thermistor?

    I was having difficulty trying to get an accurate hotend temperature with the old style heater blocks so I got a new style one with the thermistor cartridge.

    Most of the silicon heater thermistors are the Marlin type 75. In Duet terms this gives:

    M305 P0 T100000 B3950 C0 R4700

    Duet uses the thermistor parameters (beta etc) directly whereas Marlin uses a table which has been pre-generated from the same parameters.

    • Thanks 1
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