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Posts posted by tekkydave

  1. Dave,

    I am thinking to support 2nd focuser with Arduino, but I am stuck with ASCOM driver, do you have any experience with ASCOM local server?

    I posted a question on ASCOM group but did not receive any reply.

    I'm,afraid not. The AAF2 project was my first foray into ASCOM.

  2. Hello Dave,

    I am (almost) afraid to ask: Did you have a chance/time to look at the trace files I had sent earlier? There appear to be some "halt" commands and "isMoving" replies in the case of SG-Pro operation that do not appear in the trace files from your own code(s).

    I still have the same problems - controlling the focuser from SG-Pro does not seem to work reliably. I think that I observed that in the beginning the focuser moves, but then SG-Pro does not even display the poition anymore (it stays stuck in the first position it had read when initializing).

    Is there something I could do on my end to help you figuring out what is going on/wrong (for example a simple test for focuser movement in a) FocusAAF2 and B) in SG-Pro)? I tried to understand the ASCOM driver (developer) part, but I got lost in the many details of the code.

    I really would like to get AAF2 working together with SG-Pro (again, since it used to work fine a few weeks ago before the AAF2 upgrades from V2.3 to 2.4), because then I can just choose a filter, and SG-Pro would adjust the focuser position automatically. Also autofocusing, even with temperature compensation would be possible.

    Please let me know how I could help!

    Thanks in advance,


    Sorry Helmar I haven't had time so far. It's been a busy few weeks and I only get chance to do anything for the project occasionally. I'll take a look as soon as I can. If you put V2.3 back does it work ok? One thing you could test is just put the V2.3 sketch on the Arduino but leave the V2.4 driver and applications installed. It should be ok as the changes to the sketch are purely internal.

    I wonder if there are any differences with the Uno as most people use a Nano for size. Is anyone else using a Uno with V2.4.0

  3. Not sure what's going on now, uninstalled and reinstalled AAF2, manually registered driver OK but now AAF2 doesn't appear in the drop down list or ASCOM profile explorer when it did before.

    Uninstalled and reinstalled on another laptop and it works, could it be something to do with this being a Bootcamp partition on Mac Book pro ?


    I suspect that may be the issue. You seem to be having issues that no-one else is experiencing.
  4. Hi guys,

    Modded AAF 2.4 with ASCOM and manual capabilities with rotary encoder for fine movement, and push buttons to fast movement,

    Intergated a 1602 LCD with temp and movement display.  (Red LCD ordered and on the way)

    Rotary step count is working, but push button step count is under development :)

    LCD is not needed if using with ascom and laptop, but in manually use is helpful...



    I like that - good job. Similar to my Mark1 focuser but I didn't have the lcd or temperature.

  5. still cant make head nor tail of that wiki , I bash metal and use big spanners , welding / milling / turning is my game not got a clue with computers

    If you follow the instructions here http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries to install the 2 libraries (zip files) in my V2.4.0 folder you are halfway there. The section you need is "Importing a .zip Library". Then you just need to recompile the arduino sketch & upload it. Hope it's clearer now.

  6. Hello Dave,

    Thanks for mentioning the improvements. I am aware of them :smiley: , but have not used any temperature sensor, yet.

    I am currently using an Arduino Uno, because I had some USB (FTDI-chip?) problem (serial driver?) in the beginning with a different version. The UNO worked right away (sometimes you get what you pay for...).

    During my current testing I still have problems with "manual mode" changes to the focuser position from my control program (Sequence Generator Pro := SG-Pro).

    Here are my "experiments":

    I switched on the "Trace" button in the Ascom window for the AAF2 driver. Using your "AAF2Focus" all works well, e.g. I can use the "coarse" and the "fine" button, the trace files demonstrate the proper functioning very nicely. I attached the AAF2... and Driver... files, see the xxx184815,txt versions below.

    When I do the same experiment from within SG-Pro, things do not go well for V2.4 (it worked for the old version). I have the feeling the communication gets confused, see the attached files xxx185108.txt

    I am hoping you will be able to look at these and figure out what is wrong, or what has changed compared to the former version.

    Also I am wondering if anybody else has reported similar problems.

    Thanks in advance,


    Thanks for the feedback. I dont have SG-Pro so it would be difficult for me to test. I'll have a more detailed look at the trace files. Which version were you using previously with SG-Pro?

  7. I think you need the quote things each end of the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCOM\AAF2.Focuser\ASCOM.AAF2.Focuser.dll"   

    or are we thinking no spaces in the path, no quote symbol ?

    and between regasm & C:\  there is 'close bracket & space' or is that a > chevron and are chevrons (greater than/lesserthan symbol) the same thing, sorry rambling now.

    You need the quotes because there is a space between 'Program Files' and '(x86)'

    Single quotes dont work - must be double quotes

    No chevron - this part of the command prompt

    regasm "C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCOM\AAF2.Focuser\ASCOM.AAF2.Focuser.dll" should work

  8. Hello Dave (tekkydave),

    This is my first post on this forum (and you could add me as another successful user of your focuser).

    First of all a BIG THANK YOU! for your efforts! I have been using your focuser and software for quite a while in my observatory (LX200 8" classic with custom-modified belt-driven Meade-focuser). I am observing variable stars (member of AAVSO), and I use your driver in an ASCOM 6.1 environment. I use Sequence-Generator Pro ("SG-Pro") for my observing control, and it works well with AAF2  :smiley:.

    Lately I "upgraded" my PC to a newer version with Win8.1 as the OS (not recommended, but it was a cheap deal...). I have been battling the "safety" features of Win8.1 since (but successfully).

    Here is why I finally post (additional to my "thank you"): 

    1) Your last update (V2.4) worked perfectly in regard to installation and registering (Win8.1, 64-bit)!!

       [ I uninstalled the former version first, then also updated my Arduino version to the newest, installed the needed libraries in the Arduino IDE, uploaded the new "ino"-file and ran your new AAF2 windows driver installer (no manual install/registering anymore, yaeehh...).]

    2) AAF2Test and AAF2Focus work flawlessly.

    3) But now the big test:   How would everything work with SG-Pro? SG-Pro has several ways to operate the focuser (also autofocusing!): Additional to the programmatic control (could not test, yet, due to unsupportive weather), SG-Pro allows manual control through a "Control Panel" with fine and coarse relative movements, and a "Go To" with absolute positioning. Here is something different now: Whereas the "Go to" appears to work fine, the "fine" and "coarse" controls do not show any updated positioning (but the focuser seem to move correctly).

    I am not sure what you have changed in the new code(s), but all worked in the former version.  I had no time, yet, to compare the ino-files.

    I am sure it is only a small problem that can be solved without a big effort (famous words...).

    In any case: Thank you again for this great effort (you are one of my heroes)!



    Thanks for your kind words. Have you upgraded from a much earlier version i.e pre 2.2

    There were lots of changes in 2.2 as the temperature measurement was added which puts a bit more strain on the nano.

  9. Hi all, got as far as getting regasm to work.

    If I dig down to the AAF2 Folder I get path  C:\Program Files(x86)\ ASCOM\ AAF2.Focuser\ ASCOM,AAF2.Focuser.dll

    Is this what I need to enter in regasm ?

    When I do I get an error message "Program is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"


    I think you need to be in this directory first


    then run

    regasm "Driver Location"

    on my test machine the ASCOM.AAF2.Focuser.dll file is in C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCOM\AAF2.Focuser

    so I would run

    regasm "C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCOM\AAF2.Focuser"

    Hope that helps. Off to bed now - work tomorrow :grin:

  10. I may find some time tomorrow to try on win7pro64 laptop that already has earlier version working, would I need to uninstall or just install V2.4.0 over ?

    Davey-T, if I look in C\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\    I have a RegAsm.exe ( I also have C\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\   folder with I presume a 64 bit version of RegAsm.exe )

    laters Mick

    You will need to uninstall the previous version either using the installer for that version (right-click & select uninstall) or use the Uninstall Program facility in the Windows Control Panel.


  11. Hi Dave, been trying to manually install the same as before but can't get past getting the cmd prompt to recognise NET Framework, get a message "The system cannot find the specified path"

    This is on a Bootcamp partition on a Macbook Pro if that makes any difference, the only difference it's making to me is it hasn't got a "print screen" key so I can't post a screen shot.

    Running command prompt window as administrator.

    If I type "C\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 regasm" I get the above message.

    Also tried browsing to the driver in device manager to set it but it doesn't recognise it


    Did you type a colon after the C

  12. It would be great to know if anyone else has tried to install the V2.4.0 software. I really need to work out if the issue Davey-T has is only on fresh installs or also on PCs where the driver has previously been manually registered. Thanks.

  13. Installed no problem thanks.I have just started my third focuser.One on my rc one on my mak and one on my ts 65q.Many thanks Dave.

    It would be nice if you could add the movement on the next update---this would excellent when you are using it via remote from the house or warm room.

    Do you mean you want an indication of some sort in the FocusAAF2 program so you can tell if the focuser is moving when you can't see it.

    I have added a link to the Wiki section of the SF site http://sourceforge.net/p/arduinoascomfocuser/wiki/To-Do%20List/ to keep track of any requests - I've added yours to it.

    • Like 1
  14. Installed no problem thanks.I have just started my third focuser.One on my rc one on my mak and one on my ts 65q.Many thanks Dave.

    It would be nice if you could add the movement on the next update---this would excellent when you are using it via remote from the house or warm room.

    Thats a bit of good news. What version of Windows are you using and is it 64-bit? Have you done the manual registration on your PC in the past for the previous versions?

  15. Yes I'm the only user with full privileges .


    It's very strange. I have just rolled my test VM on Virtualbox back to have just a clean Win7 plus Ascom Platform 6.1 and tried again. I downloaded the msi from SF directly to the test machine and installed it with no issues.

    I'll be interested to see if anyone else has the same problem.

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