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Everything posted by Mezolitik

  1. Scope won't be accompanying me back to the city. These are dark days indeed.

  2. Had a blue security light basically shining down my scope last night. Managed to split the three Beta Monocerotis stars though - I think. Betelgeuse was a bright gold colour too. Pretty cool.

  3. The BBC is adding more clouds to the weather map as the day goes on.

  4. I don't think I'll ever get bored of M42.

    1. rowan46


      I do. it was nose to tail for 3 hours the other evening. had to get off at junction 10

    2. Mezolitik


      Very funny...! :)

  5. It was the Herschel 400 I was looking for. Messier, Caldwell, and Herschel...I'll never sleep again.

  6. What's the name of the other object list? Messier and....? It has 400 or so on it.

  7. Fantastic night with the 10x50s. Think I got M35 and (maybe) M41. Best £30 I ever spent!

  8. Get to test the new 10x50s tonight. Wish I had the 'scope though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mezolitik


      Agreed! I wasn't expecting much but the view was fantastic! Gonna have to lie on the patio to keep my arms steady :)

    3. Ganymede12


      Try Binocularsky.com. It shows you different ways of holding a pair of bins as well as giving charts for "binocular objects". It's very good!

    4. Mezolitik


      Thanks for the tip! It's cloudy now :( Typical.

  9. Astrophotographers create unrealistic expectations of the Pleiades

  10. Does anybody know why my finder and 'scope disagree on what they're pointing at?

    1. M00NMonkey


      You need to align them both. I have got to set mine up too

    2. Mezolitik


      Ah! I thought those screws on the finder mount were just to hold it in place! TYVM :)

  11. First night with a 'scope! I hate the EQs altitude controls, but M42 and Jupiter were awesome.

  12. Gotta love the weather - heavy snow today, heavy rain tomorrow, glorious sunshine on Sunday.

    1. SteveRob


      Snowing here (Hull) and its laying again

  13. Still haven't had a chance to use the new 'scope. Nine days of cloudy skies...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nephilim


      We've been having geat clear skies for the last few days.......During the DAY!! soon as night falls clouds roll in!!!

    3. Mezolitik


      Ha, same here! There's clear sky forecast for 2-6am, so it might be an early one tomorrow. Getting desperate now!

    4. nephilim


      Me too mate. got my new 200p/EQ5 last fri & NEED 2 use it, fingers crossed for tonight

  14. Glorious clear skies all day - snow and fog at night. Typical.

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