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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. Still learning at this game, at some point I will take more time to try to learn a little more by reading stuff, haha. (not really) First effort is M42, 10 minutes of data, enjoyed playing around with the settings but finally settled on 8 second at 300 gain, quite happy with my play around effort. Just about got running man too Now the flame and horsey, never seen the horsey in any way before except on here from others images. I have stretched this to hell and back. I could probably get a better result but the fact is the HH is there. 20 minutes worth of data = 16 seconds x 75 fits at 325 gain. Both stacked in DSS and messed with in Gimp. Very happy
  2. I found another free video to watch which I know some of you will find interesting, especially the ones who are into their solar viewing/imaging. I watched this the other day and like any documentary, it can be a little slow at times but there is some very interesting content and fascinating cgi based on science fact. It is 50 minutes so not overly long either. There also appears to be links to a lot of other astronomy related content on there as well. Enjoy Solar Superstorms
  3. I watched it on amazon prime too, I found the link above after so everyone could watch it for free. Anyway, prime threw me links to loads of other stuff as suggetions as well. I tagged about 20 of them and I am slowly going threw them. One I watched yesterday I am linking to as well called solar superstorms, some very interesting stuff in it.
  4. I am not sure if I have seen these so good effort with the links. I am still a sponge with astro related stuff, sadly these days it's a sponge that dries out a little too quickly but I still persist.
  5. Think I saw it in options, thanks for the heads up 👍
  6. I watched it on prime, then it threw up 30 more options to me. I shall watch them in my own time and there may be other recommendations 😉👍
  7. I have just watched this documentary about Voyager's 1 & 2. Starts from conception, to launch, through the solar system and onto inter stellar space. It has many of the original people who worked on it as contributors and personally I found it very interesting and at times, profoundly emotional. 2 hours long, early on a little slow but once it gets going it is superb. https://watchdocumentaries.com/the-farthest/
  8. Nice work michael, I was (have now) going to do the same when I saw yours. My efforts are a patch on these but it's the taking part isn't it 😉 😅
  9. Hello all. I only started playing around this year at EEVA and at the same time I am playing at imaging a little, so I have attached my efforts for 2020. Comet ones taken with my nikon camera, the rest mainly using a ZWO 224mc, P-DS 130 and wifi gti mount. The last M45 using a ZWO183 but with my new EQM 35 -Pro. Much tighter stars with this mount, tracks exceedingly well too. Excuse my attempts at processing. I have been getting better with gimp although it is a steep learning curve. I don't profess to be the best, but I do enjoy what I am doing. Ethereal Moon Neowise Mars The ring with lots of hot pixels Andromeda M34 Starfish cluster M82 The ring slightly improved although colour redish Conjunction data rescued Pleiades on wifi mount Pleiades taken on EQM mount
  10. Yeah thank you covid and lock down for emptying my wallet into FLO's bank account 😉 🤣 Happy new year everyone
  11. This is pleiades from the rescued data. One thing to bear in mind is they weren't that far away from the full moon. As you mentioned @vlaiv the recovered data wasn't great quality as I discovered trying to tease out detail in Gimp. But at least I managed a passable image. Very happy with the focus, I tried out the new bahtinov mask from WOptics mask and feel it is far easier than using the standard black masks so worth the extra cost. Anyway, lesson learned re: bit mode. 🙄 😅
  12. ah yes I have autostakkert. I shall have a play around. Much obliged as always vlaiv
  13. ASI3, not familiar with that one, do you mean ASI studio as used with ZWO camera's. Forgive my naivety.
  14. Thank you very much vlaiv. I have now found my fits files taken christmas eve of the jupiter/saturn conjunction are of the same 8 bit format. I hope I can change them too, rather more than these taken tonight. Images of pleaides can be got easily almost anytime, those of the above mentioned conjunction not so easily got.
  15. I will have a play with it, I love faffin around as it helps you learn. One further question if you don't mind @vlaiv, what programme can I use to bulk change all the fits?
  16. Thanks vlaiv, it is eeva, I don't do full on imaging, but this was the section to enquire about processing. I spent about an hour on capturing data, didn't realise it was in 8 bit mode. So are you saying this data is no good.
  17. Gentlemen please. I started this thread to become more informed and confirm some ongoing ideas I had as well as stimulate debate in a friendly manner. Let us not start falling out with each other. It isn't in either the spirit of the time of year nor the interests of our community.
  18. I keep getting an error message from DSS when trying to stack with the message about it not debayering 8 bit images, camera settings below. Can someone help me so I can get it to work please. TIA. [ZWO ASI183MC] Debayer Preview=On Pan=2 Tilt=0 Output Format=FITS files (*.fits) Binning=2 Capture Area=5496x3672 Colour Space=RAW8 Temperature=13 Hardware Binning=Off High Speed Mode=Off Turbo USB=100(Auto) Flip=None Frame Rate Limit=Maximum Gain=302 Exposure=1.466706 Timestamp Frames=Off White Bal (B)=95 White Bal (R)=52 Brightness=8 Auto Exp Max Gain=225 Auto Exp Max Exp M S=30000 Auto Exp Target Brightness=100 Mono Bin=Off Banding Threshold=35 Banding Suppression=0 Apply Flat=None Subtract Dark=None #Black Point Display Black Point=0 #MidTone Point Display MidTone Point=0.5 #White Point Display White Point=1 Notes= TimeStamp=2020-12-29T20:23:18.3195578Z SharpCapVersion=3.2.6383.0
  19. Ever wished you hadn't asked that question? 🤣
  20. Weather has kept my use of it down to not a lot to be honest magnus. However the damaged replacement truss arrived and it is perfect. From the limited use it has had the one thing I have noticed is the stars are sharper at the eyepiece. It collimates easy peasy. It is as smooth as anything to operate. The DSC is very accurate, although I have built a levelling platform to aid this. I do not regret spending on it and I added almost all upgrades except the transporting handles. In short, the 14" offers everything I would like at a weight which delivers my need for portability. HTH Steve
  21. A cheaper option to the HEQ5 as long as it is for just visual is the EQM-35 Pro. Just taken receipt of one and I am very impressed with it's quality. It is rated 10kg for visual so well within limits. Sky-Watcher EQM-35 PRO Go-To Modular Astronomy Mount | First Light Optics
  22. Could we not have a small decision tree that takes you to one of several answers with the aim of narrowing down what they want before people come to the forums. I have just done a very quick pen written idea below, this way it can help focus peoples minds on what their own personal objectives are!
  23. I like this a lot, well done.
  24. Hello all. I need to crop some AVI files, made them too long and got more drift than I bargained for as it was unguided. Struggled for ages trying to stack in registax but keep getting a white screen. I am on W10 so looking for something easy to use to simply shorten my AVI and save in original format. Alternatively, a different stack software suite that will compensate for drift. TIA all and merry christmas
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